about 10 years

for a haiku about you courtesy of me n jill



jill has quit writing

you can still get one from me

'cause I have no life

about 10 years

pereking says

i am post

gotta catch 'em all
one of my very best friends
hey, got any grapes?
about 10 years

animegayboy69 says


cheese on apple pie
i wish i knew you better
'cause you're pretty cool
about 10 years

Nikki says

me please

you are not the ex-admin
you are just a girl
about 10 years

Shmeuraconda says

OMFG you actually wrote a sestina
ily genneh

for you? anything!
not gonna lie though, that was bad
i am embarrassed
about 10 years
i am post
about 10 years
about 10 years
OMFG you actually wrote a sestina
ily genneh
about 10 years

Shmeuraconda says

Can I have a sestina instead

my poetry skills
are so very limited
but here goes nothing:

You asked for a sestina
I had to look on google
It seems so very complicated
But here I am, trying anyway
I don't know when you changed your name
But it is cool

The weather outside is cool
Conducive to writing a sestina
Sometimes I wonder if there's another name
For cool, I guess I could ask google
This seems so silly anyway
This style is too complicated

Relationships are complicated
But I guess they can also be cool
I hope they're worth it in the end, anyway
Just like writing this sestina
I'm really tempted to google
Your name

What's in a name?
The implications are so complicated
Sometimes I wonder how google
Ever became cool
Who decided to name this thing a sestina,

No point in stopping now anyway
Even though it's so awful I would never sign this with my name
Stupid freaking sestina,
so freaking complicated....
Frick! google
Won't let me curse but cursing is cool

I guess it's for the best that google
tamed us down anyway
being edgy is no longer cool
just like justin bieber's name
his relationship with selena is so complicated
you could use it to write a sestina

I can't think of anything else to say about the word name
Finally this thing is coming to it's own complicated
end... Frick this sestina
deletedabout 10 years
me please
about 10 years
Can I have a sestina instead
deletedabout 10 years
I am a fricker
Here to solve all of your woes
Embrace me now, Jill.
about 10 years

Retti says

hi, a good thread yes
would be better if john died
slow painful death soon

quite the paradox
slowly dying soon? senseless
i have ebola
about 10 years

Goodbar says

Jill says

Goodbar says

runwithfire says

This is not Google Adsense™ appropriate

redact redacted
redacted redacted and
redacted again

do u think i care
the amount of cares i give
i dont frickin care

maybe you should stop
posting so many haikus
and go frick off some

i want to be fricked
get ur **** away from me
stop me from posting
about 10 years
Hodor redacted
Bran's redacted redacted
how could he do that
about 10 years

runwithfire says

This is not Google Adsense™ appropriate

wee woo wee woo wee
woo the fun police are here now
to kill my fun game
deletedabout 10 years
hi, a good thread yes
would be better if john died
slow painful death soon
about 10 years

runwithfire says

This is not Google Adsense™ appropriate

sloths are very slow
but somehow you like them so
i guess you're slow too
about 10 years

Jill says

Goodbar says

runwithfire says

This is not Google Adsense™ appropriate

redact redacted
redacted redacted and
redacted again

do u think i care
the amount of cares i give
i dont frickin care

maybe you should stop
posting so many haikus
and go frick off some
deletedabout 10 years
Hodor, Hodor and Hodor

about 10 years

Goodbar says

runwithfire says

This is not Google Adsense™ appropriate

redact redacted
redacted redacted and
redacted again

do u think i care
the amount of cares i give
i dont frickin care
about 10 years

TheOnlyJazznation1 says


you and bronto dan
forever my OTP
get a drink with him
deletedabout 10 years

Goodbar says

runwithfire says

This is not Google Adsense™ appropriate

redact redacted
redacted redacted and
redacted again

wuss wuss wuss wuss wuss
wuss loser wuss loser wuss
wuss idiot wuss wuss
about 10 years

runwithfire says

This is not Google Adsense™ appropriate

redact redacted
redacted redacted and
redacted again
deletedabout 10 years

Goodbar says

my **** is erect
makes a nice coatrack for mouths
you're home now lover

Bypasses censor,
He, no less than a gay web
-site Moderator
deletedabout 10 years

Goodbar says

Jill says

Lashka says

Poetry is gay
Money makes the world go round
I have a big d***.

is your finger fine?
hey stop probing yourself please
ask goodbar for that

my **** is erect
makes a nice coatrack for mouths
you're home now lover

I had a goodbar
It was very unpleasant
Needed seasoning