what is morality? how do we define what is "right" or wrong"
deletedalmost 10 years
i think defining someone's morality based on whether or not they do x drug is pretty narrow-minded.
deletedalmost 10 years
smoke love every day
deletedalmost 10 years
Kill weed every day
deletedalmost 10 years
i for one don't think my roommate is immoral for smoking weed.
deletedalmost 10 years
share them, this is first thread i've been in on here that makes sense
deletedalmost 10 years
you should do w/e the heck you want imo
deletedalmost 10 years
"i think walking your dog is immoral"
"why? what would make you think that?"
"idk it's just my opinion that it's bad haha don't hate :)"
personal reasons that i am not comfortable with sharing on the internet
deletedalmost 10 years
"i think walking your dog is immoral"
"why? what would make you think that?"
"idk it's just my opinion that it's bad haha don't hate :)"
personal reasons that i am not comfortable with sharing on the internet
deletedalmost 10 years
u should only smoke weed with girls imo
deletedalmost 10 years
drugs r oblivion and we're supposed to love each other instead guys imo
deletedalmost 10 years
I think we should just kill weed.
deletedalmost 10 years
"i think walking your dog is immoral"
"why? what would make you think that?"
"idk it's just my opinion that it's bad haha don't hate :)"
it's a sin to smoke weed.
deletedalmost 10 years
mhm its just my opinion that i think its bad unless used for medical reasons.
dnt kill me pls
personal reasons
deletedalmost 10 years
mhm its just my opinion that i think its bad unless used for medical reasons.
dnt kill me pls
deletedalmost 10 years
Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when you smock that weed
deletedalmost 10 years
no kidding
deletedalmost 10 years
Ok well my opinion, *puff puff*, is ur wrong
deletedalmost 10 years
mhm its just my opinion that i think its bad unless used for medical reasons.
dnt kill me pls
deletedalmost 10 years
That, Nicole, and bad is the second word after "unethical" which is very easily debatable, imo.
oh i didnt eve realize 4/20 was coming up
now i'll have to hear a bunch of people screaming 4/20 blaze it, when in reality maybe about 2 of them will actually blaze it
literally nothing enrages me more than people who pretend to blaze it
deletedalmost 10 years
The literal definition does not account for connotation
deletedalmost 10 years

tsk tsk tsk BAD