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Demod Jericho Now

deletedabout 10 years

He cheated, you should probably ban him too.

Jasprar: For your convenience, the sexual harassment accusation takes place on page 25

deletedabout 10 years
about 10 years
that's the big one
about 10 years
A good player doesn't necessarily mean a good mod.
A mod should know the rules and game concepts of course.
deletedabout 10 years

Arcbell says

apostasy quick delete your post so that Sims will have a quadruple post (:

What are you talking about? Looks lie he quadruple posted all by his lonesome
deletedabout 10 years
Crazy idea, just gonna bring it back up: Maybe mod people who are good at the game they mod without cheating?
about 10 years
apostasy quick delete your post so that Sims will have a quadruple post (:
about 10 years
I think the mod team could use some fresh blood. So many mods stepping down and 68 pages of agreement about how everyone wants someone demodded all in all is a pretty strong clue that something isn't working right.

I don't think it's just the mod team, I also truly feel the community could be nicer, because modding EM is no fun as it currently is.

But keeping people on that are not respected by a community that usually agrees on nothing, isn't something that gains the mod team more respect I'm afraid.
about 10 years
jk, lol
about 10 years
jasper, replace Jericho with me
about 10 years
page 68 and still going strong
about 10 years
about 10 years

Sims says

no, because that's lame

U're lame.
about 10 years
no, because that's lame
about 10 years
Random thought. If I challenged you to a rap battle (scripted, not freestyle.. I'd suck at freestyle) just for fun would you accept?
about 10 years
deletedabout 10 years
This community pretty much is a giant argument all of the time, so if there are 67 pages of us agreeing on something that's pretty nuts.
about 10 years
Sims hi.
deletedabout 10 years
I also think that mods have a staggeringly low head count as of right now and they probably dont want to make it worse as it is
about 10 years
come back in March
about 10 years
British holidays last 3 months
deletedabout 10 years

Apostasy says

Retti says

jericho will probably never be demodded

I disagree, I think he's universally hated enough that he can't mod.

that doesn't mean anything as Jasper is the one to make the final decision, and given his lack of care about this subject I doubt that anything will happen
deletedabout 10 years
the community rarely knows anything. they only time you should ever listen to them is if they unilaterally agree on something, i.e. arcbell sucking or jericho.
deletedabout 10 years

Retti says

jericho will probably never be demodded

I disagree, I think he's universally hated enough that he can't mod.
deletedabout 10 years
nothing matters
deletedabout 10 years