why would I be mad at rawr? not telling someone that they're cheating with someone isn't really lying?
and no it doesn't make me look like a cheater, you just took that fact to try and get me banned.
and not sure on your point with the second part? jericho's as good as demodded anyway
deletedabout 10 years
the thai restaurant around the corner is closed from december 15th to january 5th and i'm getting strong enough thai pangs that i'm tempted to go burn it down
i am a cute person who makes good epicmafia posts. upvote if you are too.
deletedabout 10 years
also, my favorite food place is closed for new years, now i have to eat ramen instead, life is suffering
deletedabout 10 years
when the no life insults run out, there is always one surefire way to win an argument, and that is to insult people's appearances-the most important part of your personality
i distinctly remember someone claiming that ariel didn't want to come forward because she knew she wouldn't be taken seriously
which is funny, when you realize she pulled the java mafia equivalent of driving up to the police station with richard nixon and the ferguson special prosecutor to fill out the report
Someone upvoted and removed my yeast infection post just a moment ago.
deletedabout 10 years
hey who was the person who was trying to equate something roshiez claimed happened in a pastebin to america's shaming of women and failure to properly address it's sexual harassment problem
i want to buy that guy a sticker so i can make sure i never forget why i think that person is so dumb