i wish i was like sims... i wish i had a supermodel wife that i could finger-blast while she cooks me a kick-*** dinner
we should all aspire to be like sims
deletedabout 10 years
my life is validated by all the nonhours i spend on epicmafia.com. same with sonseray negs. negt his post sonseray, it's the litmus test of good posting and i can say so when you neg it.
deletedabout 10 years
Oh I'm sorry to hear that, go ahead and post your little heart out buddy :)
deletedabout 10 years
you know, for someone who cheated on epicmafia, harrold doesn't seem too self-aware.
deletedabout 10 years
all i have left in my life are my bad posts on epicmafia, rutab, so let me have that
haha yeah bill you own em'
deletedabout 10 years
i'm just gettign started, cow man. the real issues are finally coming to light, via sick own posts
deletedabout 10 years
this isnt funny anymore tbh you wore it out
deletedabout 10 years
end child ****ery. it starts with you. when you leave the house.
deletedabout 10 years
one day you're just sitting, alone, in your room, playing some mafia, and the next you're a child ****er because you talked to an internet girl while committing the cardinal sin of being really, really terrible at flirting. stop child ****ing, go out with your friends
deletedabout 10 years
my life is destined for a life of no interpersonal relationships or career success because i spent new years on epicmafia.com, haha, i wish i was more like harrold
deletedabout 10 years
don't mind me, guys; i'm just trying to link a couple of lines in a pastebin to the actual, tangible sexual harassment epidemic that's plaguing this country. because it means someone i don't like on the internet will be ridiculed. you can tell there's something wrong with me, not because of any of the above, but because i couldn't post in this topic from the pub.,
deletedabout 10 years
let me tell you, if i spent more time outside instead of being on epicmafia.com, my life would be much better
me irl: no friends, community college in the middle of nowhere barely pulling a 2.0, i have never read a book or watched a good movie, i have no good memories of social activity/fun moments of everyday life, and no job or volunteer service b/c em is more important haha
man, i wish i was like some people, and had these things called "friends" and lived a life destined for an income over 15k/year, but i don't.
deletedabout 10 years
the worst thing about the internet is that it;s a single player game. there are no real people on it to interact w/ and only nerds and losers do anything alone. speaking of alone, guess what i was the opposite of last night, when i was hanging out w/ my flesh buddies
deletedabout 10 years
Who cares? EM politics is crap and will be crap for the foreseeable future.
deletedabout 10 years
i can just tell that your new years sucked, because you posted in a topic on the internet
i had a REAL LIFE girl stroke my beard yesterday while you guys were stuck playing epicmafia.com. how does that make you feel?
deletedabout 10 years
did i mention i am better than you because whereas you guys care about having fun on epicmafia.com i care about being better than you, which makes me better than you, peace fellas haha
deletedabout 10 years
haha, i see some people were having fun on epicmafia.com on new years, and i just think that's SO SAD and i look down on you guys, because if you guys had valuable lives like MY OWN and as many friends as i have, because i have a lot of friends, and you don't, then you would not be on epicmafia.com on new years' having fun, you would be with the friends i have and you don't because you guys don't have as awesome of a life as my own. if only you guys were as good as me haha
deletedabout 10 years
its 2015 now guys. isn't that crazy? i mean, it's nto crazy to me. because i was out, having fun. when the year changed.