deletedalmost 10 years

You can only post in and see this thread if you have TWO trophies from the competitive or main lobby. You aren't allowed to post in this thread, justrec.

Holiday Illusions trophies don't count

deletedalmost 10 years
Germatron was GermaWRONG
deletedalmost 10 years
you know who really rings me up?? bell.
deletedalmost 10 years
We can use this thread to trash talk the mods without getting harassment violations if you guys want, because they can't see this thread.
deletedalmost 10 years
troph-d club.
deletedalmost 10 years
I finished them all last time. Haha, not.
almost 10 years

Apostasy says

projectmatt says

Apostasy says

You should feel safe here projectmatt. This is a safe place where we can talk to each other. As one of the only three mods who can see this thread, you should feel very privileged.

i am blessed

also, skip to me in your like/dislike thread

I'm a fair dude, I will do them in order and when I feel like it

correction: "i'm never going to finish all of them"
deletedalmost 10 years
:) :)
deletedalmost 10 years

projectmatt says

Apostasy says

You should feel safe here projectmatt. This is a safe place where we can talk to each other. As one of the only three mods who can see this thread, you should feel very privileged.

i am blessed

also, skip to me in your like/dislike thread

I'm a fair dude, I will do them in order and when I feel like it
deletedalmost 10 years
Do you think they link eachother in the mod forums? i'd be a total bro if i was a mod
almost 10 years

Apostasy says

You should feel safe here projectmatt. This is a safe place where we can talk to each other. As one of the only three mods who can see this thread, you should feel very privileged.

i am blessed

also, skip to me in your like/dislike thread
deletedalmost 10 years
I bet most of the mods feel really left out. They can see the mod forum but they can't see this part of the forum, which is only for the elite.
deletedalmost 10 years

kittykeri says

all of them

hmmmmm. So you say...
deletedalmost 10 years
all of them
deletedalmost 10 years
You should feel safe here projectmatt. This is a safe place where we can talk to each other. As one of the only three mods who can see this thread, you should feel very privileged.
deletedalmost 10 years
skillz is bant.
deletedalmost 10 years

kittykeri says

I have more trophies than u

Hmmmm. But how many are legit? There is some discrepancy, I have been told...
deletedalmost 10 years
we should change it to three and up
almost 10 years
This thread makes me feel safe.
deletedalmost 10 years
I have more trophies than u
deletedalmost 10 years
If he were, he wouldn't be allowed to post here
deletedalmost 10 years
is pandaclaus even still around?
deletedalmost 10 years
Hmmmm. Will have to hold a special conference with the trophy club inner circle to determine whether or not kittykeri can post here...
deletedalmost 10 years
hai ~~
deletedalmost 10 years
You know who can't post here, both because he has only 1 trophy and he won it on Hollywood Illusions? Pandaclaus.
deletedalmost 10 years
It's nice to post here. Posting here means you won at least 2 trophies. This is a good place to be allowed to make a post