You fit in the category of "Nice Epicmafia Girl" I would put other people like Melody into, which isn't a bad thing. You're really accepting of people from the start but also very judgmental of them if you happen to dislike them. I think you try to be good to everyone you meet who deserves it, and I think that for the most part you have a good judge of character. One thing I like about you is that you're really not scared to be yourself. You know what you like even if people would make fun of you for it, which it doesn't phase you at all. I have a feeling you pick on connor a lot in a loving manner, and you're a really good fit to him as he needs someone who isn't constantly serious all the time.
You remind me of crypto, only that I don't actually think you're crypto. You're like his understudy, but you retain quirks about yourself that seperate you from crypto. You're more snarky and blunt than crypto. I think you're someone who probably has a decent IRL life and you find your spare time winning trophies and playing the game that is mafia. I don't think you have a lot of care for people or what they think of you but I also don't consider you someone who has a huge circle of friends. Maybe a couple where you're actually not the Shivv you portray here, which is fine.
You're someone who I look up to due to the fact I believe you're someone who has life figured out in their own way. People admire you. You're intelligent and you know it. You have a braggadocio that sometimes come off as dickish but I don't think you're actually a mean person, just someone who knows who they like/dislike, and who isn't scared to hold their tongue. It's kind of hard to analyze you based on EM alone because I don't think that's really your full personality and a lot of the posts you make are just shooting the .
Ah, alise. I have a soft spot for you where I hold myself back from being too opinionated about what I see from you in fear that you'll react negatively. I say this because I see you as a very sensitive person, someone who guards themselves from a lot of negativity. I think you're a bit naive and far too trusting of people which comes in your downfall, and that you have a good heart that bleeds for some people that it really shouldn't. This doesn't come without positive aspects as you show a lot of empathy and you're overall just a very warm person. Your kindness and care to the people you open yourself up to is absolutely endless and it's something I admire of you greatly. I think you don't really want to fit in a crowd so you kind of stray yourself away from it and try to build up your own personality, which fluctuates because you're unsure if that's who you really are or not, as I feel people haven't reassured you that much. You just have a natural sweetness, something that isn't attained or taught, just born with. I'm glad to have met you.
Definitely a leader, not a follower. Likely someone who excelled in school and keep a good crowd of friends, even if he wasn't the most popular. You have a winning smile and a sense of charm that gravitates people towards to you. I think you have an intense passion for the things you enjoy and you never slack, which is a good trait to have. I believe you might be a bit stubborn when it comes to your ideals however as you want to believe that you're right most of the time. I think sometimes you wear your confidence but don't actually feel it when you're down, and that you have a good sense of keeping your personal life out of the one you display in public. Overall, I think you'd be suited to be a teacher of sorts due to the fact I believe that you're a natural optimist and you strive to help others in need.
deletedabout 10 years
deletedabout 10 years
Woah, you're good. That's quite accurate. Except for the part about fitting in with crowds, I dunno if I see that in myself much.
Given that I don't know much about you, I'm just going to go off what I've seen from you and also our small interactions on Skype. You remind me a lot of myself when I was younger. I think that you want to give back to the people you love but you're never sure how to go about it so you end up feeling like you're not doing enough for your friends/accomplices. I also feel you might have a hard time trying to fit into crowds, but that comes with being a textbook introvert, which I definitely take you as. I think you're looking to find yourself as you're not wholly sure who 'yourself' is. It will come in time, just keep being a levelheaded and sensible person that I've seen from you so far.