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What to Comp V 2.0

over 9 years

rip Bronto's thread.

If you've won a trophy and don't know what to comp here is the list of decent/good setups to choose from (the term decent here is used very liberally or we'd only have 7 setup dawn starts lol).

right click -> Open image in new tab for readable versions

What to Comp (CP'ed from old thread by Bronto):

This thread is to be used for discussion of competitive setups, both currently recognised in the catalogue and new potential creations from the community, appropriate for competitive play in both the Training and Comp Lobbies. This is a resource for recent trophy winners to discuss or question the validity of their desired setups for use in the next competition, as well as the place for any user to add, challenge or question any changes to the catalogue in its current state.

If you see anything previously comped or with a vast number of plays that has missed, please point it out. This is a pretty massive undertaking so any community support is greatly appreciated and encouraged. Likewise, if something is added and shouldn’t be – please let us know and we’ll take it down. Currently, I’m not adding any setups that are old and with a few plays unless specifically requested by the community.

There are the flexible guidelines of attributes commonly seen in competitively viable setups, and it certainly isn’t law, however it encompasses almost everything used currently in competitive play.

  • 7-10 Players
  • Town:Mafia win ratio does not exceed 42:57 or 55:45 (after ~200 plays)
  • Has no 3rd parties unless the third party wins with either town/maf exclusively. Ex. Traitor wins with Mafia, Amnesiac wins with either town or mafia in Suppa Magical Grey Scales
  • Cannot utilize roles or role combinations that can be deemed gamebreaking. (Doc joints on DYLG, War on Terror, etc)

Other Rules related to setup selection

  • A setup can only be comped once per three rounds. So if Jan 2.0 is comped Round 1, it can not be comped again until Round 4.

  • This includes similar variants of said setups. So if someone comps SDS w/ML no Whisper Round 1, they cannot comp the version with a Miller and one less blue the following round. Either setup can be selected for Round 4, but not both.

  • Setups with similar variants will be allowed/disallowed at mod discretion.

  • Any setup which becomes recognized as poor for comp will be taken down at moderator discretion.

It is recommended and encouraged that all new setups to be comped are linked here so we can review and discuss their viability. If a setup is at one point, deemed unviable due to a lack of balance in point spread, if the balance is restored via playing in red hearts and the meta on it changes, the setup can be re-submitted to be listed as comp viable. But if it slips far past the accepted marks, then it will be taken down after community and moderator deliberation.

As new setups arrive, this is the perfect place to discuss their balance as they are play tested, and it would be assumed that a setup over the course of theory discussion and playtesting of about 200 plays, it's balance and viability can be determined and added as necessary. It is recommended and encouraged that all new setups to be comped are linked here so we can review and discuss their viability. If a setup is at one point, deemed unviable due to a lack of balance in point spread, if the balance is restored via playing in red hearts and the meta on it changes, the setup can be re-submitted to be listed as comp viable."

As this thread is new, this is a pretty massive undertaking so any community support is greatly appreciated and encouraged. Likewise, if something is added and shouldn't be – please let us know and we’ll take it down."

over 9 years
it was CP'ed from bronto's old thread and the images were also taken from there

edit: just moved it to Main Lobby as the thread was buried in Comp
editdit: thank you for the feed back though.
deletedover 9 years
A lot of time has went into this I see.