about 10 years

does not like me

[12:07:50 AM] Wlosee: i dont like u
[12:07:51 AM] Wlosee: -_-

deletedover 8 years
Ling the yELLOW tRoUBleeeMakeRr
over 8 years
over 8 years
Bump so abes new bae is jealous of the old bae
over 8 years
You wish
over 8 years
elise and i are dating
deletedover 8 years

itg321 says

ur grades literalyl dont matter dont stress over them cus if u do u wont enjoy college or uni which is 95% making friends/enjoying the freedom of adolescence without the responsibilities of adulthood :^)

The thing I enjoyed most about uni was being smarter than everyone else.
over 8 years
best ecouple
over 8 years
Abe i miss you
about 10 years

Loreli says

Tears slowly trailed down Shayenne's face. Why? Why was he so mean? They hadn't seen each other for a while and all he was doing was making fun of her. Getting her slightest slip up and wrenching it out of proportion. Why? She couldn't stop asking that question to herself. But deep down, she knew the answer. Abe was an . And not your friendly, almost hospitable sort of . He was the real deal. He was the sort of guy that walks up to you with a radiant smile, and you smile back, but you have a clandestine hatred hidden behind that innocent, almost naive smile. He was that sort of guy. All you wanted was for him to leave you alone. Was that too much to ask? Once again, you knew the answer, But you pretend as if you didn't.


You don't have to know who Shay is for this to make sense.

Can confirm. Abe is an .
about 10 years
who is elise hm
about 10 years
Tears slowly trailed down Shayenne's face. Why? Why was he so mean? They hadn't seen each other for a while and all he was doing was making fun of her. Getting her slightest slip up and wrenching it out of proportion. Why? She couldn't stop asking that question to herself. But deep down, she knew the answer. Abe was an . And not your friendly, almost hospitable sort of . He was the real deal. He was the sort of guy that walks up to you with a radiant smile, and you smile back, but you have a clandestine hatred hidden behind that innocent, almost naive smile. He was that sort of guy. All you wanted was for him to leave you alone. Was that too much to ask? Once again, you knew the answer, But you pretend as if you didn't.


You don't have to know who Shay is for this to make sense.
deletedabout 10 years
why does everyone make better ship names than i do
deletedabout 10 years

alise says

You forget; i hate you

about 10 years
abe stop bypassing the fricking censor!!!!
about 10 years
Anyway, the only time I'm going to get on EM for the next while is to post something brain-chillingly inane that Elise said.

I really need to go to bed now so I'm out.
about 10 years
ur grades literalyl dont matter dont stress over them cus if u do u wont enjoy college or uni which is 95% making friends/enjoying the freedom of adolescence without the responsibilities of adulthood :^)
about 10 years
You forget; i hate you
about 10 years

itg321 says

what a lameo Abe YEar 12 is p chill as. you sound smart irl im sure u can manage

>literally spent year 12 muckin about and not giving a [redacted]

u will b fine

You forget; I'm a perfectionist.
about 10 years
what a lameo Abe YEar 12 is p chill as. you sound smart irl im sure u can manage

>literally spent year 12 muckin about and not giving a [redacted]

u will b fine
about 10 years

alise says


about 10 years
about 10 years
about 10 years
what abe why r u leaving pls no
about 10 years
my thread had a warning, i warned her
about 10 years
[12:28:28 AM] Wlosee: I HATE ITG0342495

Insight from Elise.

Officially I'm still taking a break from the site, bye.