we no longer see things in black and white. now it's white and gold.
Um I just went to ask my parents and sister what color it was (they have no idea about the troll) AND THEY ALL SAID IT WAS BLACK AND BLUE. AND LIKE, MY DAD WAS WORRIED ABOUT MY VISION. What the hell.
I swear that for a split second, the image was CLEARLY white and gold and then it turned back to CLEARLY blue and black when I clicked on it again. Is this akin to /r/fiftyfifty where it randomly chooses an image out of two choices when you click on it, or am I having a mental breakdown?
it's not white and gold as seen in the picture of the person wearing it, it's obv blue and black... what is this to you guys?
http://i.imgur.com/b6D1XDx.png deleted almost 10 years
we're a post-color society.
deleted almost 10 years
I have wonky eyes
Looks like color itself ... is just an illusion. PULL BACK the curtain. See reality for what it really is ...
deleted almost 10 years
I keep seeing blue and gold, not black and blue, or white and gold
i refuse to believe it's white and gold
deleted almost 10 years
why is this a big deal to a bunch of people
This thread is making me hate life and question all I've ever known. But in the end I will consider it a troll.
this thread has sufficiently trolled me, because for a brief moment i saw it as white and gold and then upon opening the link again i saw it in black and blue. is this some kind of weird illusion
azu20 says azu20 says Your eyes have retinas, the things that let you interpret color. There’s rods, round things, and cones that stick out, which is what gives your eye a textured appearance in the colored part. The “cones” see color. The “rods” see shade, like black, white and grey. Cones only work when enough light passes through. So while I see the fabric as white, someone else may see it as blue because my cones aren’t responding to the dim lighting. My rods see it as a shade (white). There’s three cones, small, medium and large. They are blue sensitive, green sensitive, and red sensitive. As for the black bit (which I see as gold), it’s called additive mixing. Blue, green and red are the main colors for additive mixing. This is where it gets really tricky. Subtractive mixing, such as with paint, means the more colors you add the murkier it gets until it’s black. ADDITIVE mixing, when you add the three colors eyes see best, red, green and blue, (not to be confused with primary colors red, blue and yellow) it makes pure white. —Blue and Black: In conclusion, your retina’s cones are more high functioning, and this results in your eyes doing subtractive mixing. —White and Gold: our eyes don’t work well in dim light so our retinas rods see white, and this makes them less light sensitive, causing additive mixing, (that of green and red), to make gold. **** UPDATE to prove this theory I turned my phone brightness from the lowest to highest and saw it switching from white and gold (at the lowest) to light blue and darker gold (at the highest) meaning people that see blue and black are more sensitive to light (better eyesight and not looking at the sun like your moms told you) read this please it explaisn it clearly deleted almost 10 years
i only see white and gold.
Rutab says I really don't understand how anyone sees white because I still can't Maybe you should read the explanatory post that azu20 made, instead of being a huge dumb moron idiot.
im not joking about thtis youre all insane
deleted almost 10 years
I really don't understand how anyone sees white because I still can't
deleted almost 10 years
thats black and blue, its glossy though and the lighting probably makes it look gold.