deleted almost 10 years
If I had a small ding dong the first thing I'd do would be to exterminate the jews and the second thing I'd do would be to forum ban shivv
Sims says i try not to think about other people's dongs. if you had to put a label on it though
deleted almost 10 years
i try not to think about other people's dongs.
Sims says really though, props to shivv for not outing why he was threatened with an unjust ban. he really is the BIGGER man in this situation (haha) would u say his ding dong is average then or just bigger than jasprar's dong
really though, props to shivv for not outing why he was threatened with an unjust ban. he really is the BIGGER man in this situation (haha)
deleted almost 10 years
Sims says my last post was a joke. i miss shivv and i want to know what was so important that he got banned over it. shivv was banned because Jasprar has a small dong. I've been implying that for like, 2 thread pages dude
my last post was a joke. i miss shivv and i want to know what was so important that he got banned over it.
Sims says i feel like i can't talk about shivv now we can save this sims
how big do you think shivv's dong is?
BearGuru says Satan says its not the size of the boat, its the motion of the ocean apparently it's girth that matters. that's good, because i've got girth to go around.
deleted almost 10 years
If I had a really small ding dong I'd probably forum ban someone unjustly every time I failed to satisfy a woman
Sims says no more dong talk IMO okay my bad.
i concur
deleted almost 10 years
Satan says its not the size of the boat, its the motion of the ocean apparently it's girth that matters.
i feel like i can't talk about shivv now
deleted almost 10 years
Average size is 5.16 not 5.75
its not the size of the boat, its the motion of the ocean
deleted almost 10 years
wakemeupxo says BearGuru says Average size is 5.75 inches Learned that in health anything below 7.5 seems really small. Are you sure that is accurate? actually 5.16 inches erect. 7.5 is pretty big
deleted almost 10 years
BearGuru says Average size is 5.75 inches Learned that in health So if a man were to have a ding dong below that 5.75 inches, do you think they would seek fictitious power through the internet to make up for their lack of power in the sack? Did they teach you that in health class?
BearGuru says Average size is 5.75 inches Learned that in health flaccid or erect? This is important
let's not turn this into a dong thread. i want to keep this to speculating on why shivv was banned
BearGuru says Average size is 5.75 inches Learned that in health anything below 7.5 seems really small. Are you sure that is accurate?
deleted almost 10 years
Average size is 5.75 inches Learned that in health