honest to god i think laurie was an abc-level troll and successfully snuck a real word onto the list just to mess with people
deletedalmost 10 years
I don't care how much you worked. I wasn't around then and I had nothing to do with the implementation of a censor at all. The site was a lot better without it. If we have to have a censor though I wish we had appointed someone to the admin position who didn't censor p.enal and n.azi but not semen or penile.
deletedalmost 10 years
hes makin a list, he's checkin it twice, he's not gonna find out that our prisons are overcrowded because there's no such thing as an outdated and racist penile code
I like how it's seemingly my fault that we even have a censor at all.
I worked 60+ hours a week during most of my time as admin, some things slip through the cracks when I spent my discretionary time modding a ruby mafia site.
deletedalmost 10 years
I mean I believe that you know what p.enal means and it's probably more Laurie's fault than yours but I can't believe you didn't check the list of words you were censoring twice
deletedalmost 10 years
i mean if this is the worst you can throw at me then I'd say I did okay.
I think you did a lot of things poorly and I think you did an axiomatically poor job in general but I won't go in depth because you're not the admin. In my opinion, the fact that I can say semen and penile but not p.enal or n.azi is proof that you were a lazy moron of an admin though
nah it was throw a list of words together as quickly as possible so that the site wouldn't have to be shut down. If a few words are mistakenly censored, that's a small price to pay for having the site.