deleted almost 10 years
hi sky
deleted almost 10 years
CaeruleumDea says Lashka says Can you actually speak Latin? no I dont Vidi te latine loqui
xela says backgrounds are sacred and stealing a background can not be justified I can also change it if she wants
Jackhammer says Why is "Sleep-deprived individual" not one of the poll options? I sleep a lot, just not at normal hours.. -cough-
xela says ask the sky(pe)!! cheater confirmed. i expect a swift just full of justice ban. I was finally caught /rip
xela says why do you steal backgrounds from lux I aspire to be just like her.
Harrold says Do your farts make people want to leave the room? yes.
Jackhammer says favorite song favorite album favorite show favorite movie don't have one..
also don't have one...
I don't watch TV..
and.. um.. I don't have one but I liked Spirited Away?
Lashka says Can you actually speak Latin? no I dont
backgrounds are sacred and stealing a background can not be justified
deleted almost 10 years
I believe Sky had that background first, but even so, it's still an adorable background
why do you steal backgrounds from lux
ask the sky(pe)!! cheater confirmed. i expect a swift just full of justice ban.
deleted almost 10 years
Why is "Sleep-deprived individual" not one of the poll options?
deleted almost 10 years
Do your farts make people want to leave the room?
deleted almost 10 years
favorite song favorite album favorite show favorite movie
deleted almost 10 years
Can you actually speak Latin?
shinnyhoopa says what is your username from I created it by mashing some Latin words together when I was 12 and created CaeruleumDea. I chose Latin because the friend who introduced me to this site was obsessed with Latin based usernames.
what is your username from
Yeee, you have short term memory
hate you.... but I already gave it to you, silly.
whats your honest opinion of me? :)