deletedalmost 10 years

Why is Sirius banned he's a cool dude

almost 10 years

Apostasy says

Anthony says

Sirius doesn't need to be unbanned. He comes back whenever he wants and then let's everyone know he's Sirius and banned

You cheated and you're not banned. He didn't even do anything bannable. He shouldn't have to play fancy pants

I like Sirius. But he constantly announces to everyone he's ban evading when he does it. Also I never ban evaded
deletedalmost 10 years

Giga13 says

what does sirius do for money

I can see Sirius being "that one dealer" that no one ever, ever, ever wants to deal with, because if you buy from him, he'll end up sticking around and talking to you for half an hour, and then try to invite himself along for all of your weekend plans with your friends.
deletedalmost 10 years

jackattack123 says

Sonseray I honestly have no idea about anything Sirius related, so unfortunately I cannot help you

Thanks for being honest, you've done a better job than any other mod so far with this post.
almost 10 years
Sonseray I honestly have no idea about anything Sirius related, so unfortunately I cannot help you
almost 10 years
he works at a pseudo-pilosophy factory
almost 10 years
what does sirius do for money
deletedalmost 10 years
I think the Sirius hate is unwarranted, too.
almost 10 years
if i was sirius idk what i'd do with myself tbf

i guess his solution is go to
deletedalmost 10 years

Anthony says

Sirius doesn't need to be unbanned. He comes back whenever he wants and then let's everyone know he's Sirius and banned

You cheated and you're not banned. He didn't even do anything bannable. He shouldn't have to play fancy pants
deletedalmost 10 years
I miss DarkSkull.
almost 10 years
Sirius doesn't need to be unbanned. He comes back whenever he wants and then let's everyone know he's Sirius and banned
almost 10 years
that's a decent reason to be permabanned
deletedalmost 10 years
I just don't understand why none of the mods seem to care that he was literally banned wrongly, and their plan seems to be to keep him perma-banned because apparently he wasn't funny
almost 10 years
the moderators are gay
almost 10 years
that guy could benchpress all the mods combined
almost 10 years
it's like an e-avalanche of f deez modz, cascading over the entire internet
almost 10 years

the hate has spread to other domains
deletedalmost 10 years
never heard of him
deletedalmost 10 years

Germatron says

eh, belovedprincess ban evaded 2 weeks ago. so ya. he is still banned anyway.

But really, I was trying to help you and you just shoved it back in my face. honestly, grow up

I shoved it in your face because you don't frikking know what you are talking about before you post and you're a mod. If you want to help great read this thread he is wrongfully banned!! Why should he be banned for evading a ban he shouldn't have ever had?
deletedalmost 10 years
Some hardcore shitposting about the nazimodding going on here I see.
almost 10 years

Apostasy says

Why are the mods all illiterate? Were we aware of this, that the mods can't read?

i would respond to this, but I don't know what it says, because I can't read
deletedalmost 10 years
eh, belovedprincess ban evaded 2 weeks ago. so ya. he is still banned anyway.

But really, I was trying to help you and you just shoved it back in my face. honestly, grow up
deletedalmost 10 years
"not worth my time" mod says in response to being told a user is wrongfully banned
almost 10 years
Letz instead keep him banned just to see what happens
deletedalmost 10 years
Motherfricking unban Sirius this is a joke