deletedalmost 10 years

Post here and I will estimate your IQ. I vow to be honest

deletedalmost 10 years
lexicon isn't even a big word dude try again
deletedalmost 10 years
my zoey of choice? 101.
almost 10 years
I'm a certified genius. I have a grandiose and grandiloquent lexicon.
deletedalmost 10 years
Instead of telling the rest of you about your IQs, I'm going to tell you guys about how I wish I were snorting cocaine with a naked Zoey Deschannel right now
deletedalmost 10 years
hi I have a low iq, obviously
almost 10 years

Flea says

Arcbell says

Flea says

Slow says

this is a really weird thread.

I think the weirdest part is people taking it seriously

His guesses aren't bad, for most people.

I don't know why but that came off kind of condescending. But yes let me take the opinion seriously of some teenager who has never actually talked to me guess my iq based off of how i play java mafia.

Oh, sorry. I guess I can see how it came off that way. I just mean I think a lot of his guesses seem reasonable. I don't actually take IQ all that seriously I'm just playing his game here in this thread.
deletedalmost 10 years
If I were in mensa I'd do drugs until I was basically Forrest Gump and then give the finger to the guy delivering my sit on my butt money while I IV LSD
almost 10 years

MasterMustard says

hey guys, coming through. guy with 63.3% win rate here.

Winning a game of FP causes one to lose IQ points.
deletedalmost 10 years
hey guys, coming through. guy with 63.3% win rate here.
deletedalmost 10 years
if i were in mensa, i'd probably have the good rationale to avoid this website.
deletedalmost 10 years
If I were in Mensa I'd be snorting cocaine off of my trophy wife's supple naked breasts and I'd never post here again, mainly because I'd never be sober enough to
almost 10 years
i have a genius iq but you know iq tests are stupid but i have a genius iq like i took one cuz i was bored even though they're stupid and i got a genius iq lol they're stupid
deletedalmost 10 years
well that's good. iq tests mean practically nothing outside of bragging rights and free money from white men. at least you have one of the two, ideally.
deletedalmost 10 years
i graduated first in my homeschool class
deletedalmost 10 years

Slow says

yes, i'm sure had a pretty puzzling test, all things considered.

Board of Ed gave me one to see if I was qualified for several different accommodations.
deletedalmost 10 years
yes, i'm sure had a pretty puzzling test, all things considered.
deletedalmost 10 years
That's for like...150 and up.

Relecks. I guessed on half of the stuff anyway. Honestly I'm probably 120 ish.
almost 10 years
iq test me
deletedalmost 10 years
Yeah Nicole? How's MENSA?
deletedalmost 10 years

Caesaropapism says

appleofmyeye4m 25s
Okay, sonseray.

Give me your worst.


i wish.

137, bud.
deletedalmost 10 years

Slow says

is this a professional assessment? just wondering if i should even bother....

Yeah its professional we got arcbell here now, to double check
deletedalmost 10 years
is this a professional assessment? just wondering if i should even bother....
deletedalmost 10 years

Arcbell says

Flea says

Slow says

this is a really weird thread.

I think the weirdest part is people taking it seriously

His guesses aren't bad, for most people.

I don't know why but that came off kind of condescending. But yes let me take the opinion seriously of some teenager who has never actually talked to me guess my iq based off of how i play java mafia.
almost 10 years
Alright man
deletedalmost 10 years

Arcbell says

Well you did low-ball me some but 129 is fairly high so I won't complain. I haven't been tested since I was a toddler though so who knows.

I agree with a lot of your assessments but you're way off on some, and I feel I can say that with confidence.

Giving bell 101, for example.. that's so far off I won't even..

Harrold ranks at least 10 points higher than that, too.

As bear stated, you're way off on him. Keep in mind his age.

I don't think you're being objective about Germatron, you just don't like him much.

I've had my IQ tested professionally.

Regardless, thank you.