deleted almost 10 years
wow I just got a cut from those edges (u guise c wot I did there???) XDDDDDD
deleted almost 10 years
memes arent this thing you can just f*cking learn over nite you idiot
deleted almost 10 years
i sincerely wish 4chan did not exist
deleted almost 10 years Giga 37mon 13d
This is currently the best setup played in Training Lobby.
i should have quit while i was ahead
today is just not my day.
^ funny posts that make people laugh
deleted almost 10 years
deleted almost 10 years
at least it's not anime
deleted almost 10 years
cease and desist
BiIIStickers says caroline just PMed me and said she was gonna add a few african countries to the list but their vote tallies would only count for 3/5 of the white ones well she is from tennessee
deleted almost 10 years
only use mod negs for obscure concepts, like nobility and honor.
deleted almost 10 years
I think there was another thread too, but I can't find it. Ah well. Stop mod negging posts just because you wanna be caroline's bro or whatever it is going on with you two.
deleted almost 10 years
that was not even an opinion. that was a fact. quantifiably, caroline got completely devastated the likes of which are reminiscent of a scorched earth victory.
deleted almost 10 years
Didn't we JUST have a discussion about the overuse of mod negs?
deleted almost 10 years
Slow says nvm caroline got owned haha jack negged this post
deleted almost 10 years
BiIIStickers says why is there BET but no WET??????? because white people never made a wet network.
deleted almost 10 years
nvm caroline got owned