deletedalmost 10 years

I am making an anti family for the anti mods called the anti-trolls. I will be the anti-Apostacy. Pm me to join this family. There are still spots open for the anti-Slow, Anti-Sims, etc


1) not be an "anti mod" or part of apostasy's troll group

2) No requirements for trophies because if you really care about an online trophy then you have no life.


deletedover 9 years
bumping this
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
invite sent
almost 10 years
I'm the hero.
almost 10 years
Ignore this troll.
deletedalmost 10 years
this is a good thread and a good family

join today
deletedalmost 10 years
not really.
deletedalmost 10 years

Slow says

haha you're a loser.

Hey Bear...

almost 10 years
this is a stupid topic
deletedalmost 10 years
people who win online trophies are big friggin losers
almost 10 years
kidding :P
almost 10 years

Slow says

haha you're a loser.

deletedalmost 10 years
I'm tired of the trolls
deletedalmost 10 years
It would take someone pretty stupid to be the anti-me. Germatron is the obvious choice, but I guess shiggyshaggy is a good stand-in
deletedalmost 10 years
Haha you're the anti "apotacy" what a moron
deletedalmost 10 years
almost 10 years

jesusofnazareth says

can i be the anti-satan?

i am not a troll you big jerk idiot
deletedalmost 10 years

jesusofnazareth says

can i be the anti-satan?

yes you may
deletedalmost 10 years
can i be the anti-satan?
deletedalmost 10 years
You have to quit your current family for me to invite you Bill.
deletedalmost 10 years

BiIIStickers says

I'm in dude

Welcome aboard! :) I sent a friend request. I think we have to be friends to invite to a family.
deletedalmost 10 years
I'm in dude
deletedalmost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
haha you're a loser.