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hello epicmafia

deletedalmost 10 years

how r u today?

deletedalmost 10 years
Stan's mother is getting porked by the butcher on the nightly, after Stan stopped sending her lovers to a deserted island
deletedalmost 10 years

Sirius says

my sympathies. i'm sure she was a good woman, i had meant to add after that

stan lied shes not d33d .. y so sirius
deletedalmost 10 years
my sympathies. i'm sure she was a good woman, i had meant to add after that
deletedalmost 10 years

Sirius says

ur mum stan

shes d33d m9
deletedalmost 10 years
ur mum stan
deletedalmost 10 years
Reported for censor bypassing. Just kidding, I'm not a loser.
deletedalmost 10 years
ya i think i can too, except english is basically not my first language. we're revolutionaries tho sonse, me n u
deletedalmost 10 years
I've scored top 1% of the nation on English standardized tests since the 3rd grade. I think I can make an English degree work, although I'm tempted to switch to history because it's more interesting to me.
deletedalmost 10 years
no offense sonse lol. i'm actually going studying english this year. sometimes you'd just feel like 'man, i could be doing something actually useful rn, what am i doing dreaming like this' tho
deletedalmost 10 years
i personally have a phD in making power stations work
deletedalmost 10 years
it's ridiculous what we let people get away with as 'education' isn't it. did u guys know my buddy foolonthehill is a doctor?
deletedalmost 10 years
It's for my Lit as Film class. We're watching s7ven today which should be rad but I feel REALLY BAD and I have to write this stupid essay that I should have wrote weeks ago
deletedalmost 10 years
what subject or w.e. is that for?
deletedalmost 10 years
that's interesting as heck lol. that's basically me bro
deletedalmost 10 years
The essay is about Father Karras and the conflict between his religious beliefs and his psychiatric training in William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist
deletedalmost 10 years
i don't understand sonseray. i'll help u with ur essay if u help me help u
deletedalmost 10 years
oh the forums aren't broken, mods just keep messing with my threads :(
deletedalmost 10 years
well that's a relief. phew.
deletedalmost 10 years

Sirius says

what's ur essay on sonseray

The Exorcist
deletedalmost 10 years
lmao brakes wasn't fool
deletedalmost 10 years
foolonthehill was great, until Brakes claimed it was him.
deletedalmost 10 years
hey the forums are broken dudes
deletedalmost 10 years
what's ur essay on sonseray
deletedalmost 10 years
i just played epicmafia games with my old buddy foolonthehill, it was a good time, reminiscing and whatnot (i got an em girl's nudes before he started e-dating her and met her irl lol)
deletedalmost 10 years
Hungover with a 5 page essay to write in the next 2 hours and 50 minutes. It's another manic monday, it's gonna be a long one