over 9 years

So I was reading reports and one said that no slurs are allowed - homo, racial, or ableist.

Can you give me examples of some ableist slurs? I've seen specifically '' not get warned (nor should it) so what else is there? Calling someone autistic? Pretty sure that doesn't get warned either...

over 9 years
woah this thread got dangerous quick
over 9 years

blacksnakemoan says

That's going a bit far Shmeur. Calling someone or spastic, sure. Calling someone dumb, crazy, or stupid is perfectly reasonable considering the limited mental faculties of the players on this site.

I remember all game I lost because you're bad, however you're probably A1 in this meta.
over 9 years
how is spastic any different than stupid
over 9 years
people need to relax...
over 9 years
crazy is a definite yes
over 9 years
That's going a bit far Shmeur. Calling someone or spastic, sure. Calling someone dumb, crazy, or stupid is perfectly reasonable considering the limited mental faculties of the players on this site.
over 9 years
lame, crazy, stupid, dumb, etc.
over 9 years

MeetTerry says


over 9 years
ever since mods like oliver got into power, the social justice warriors have been so anal about every single insult l o l
over 9 years