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Moderator Application Guidelines

deletedover 9 years


The Mod Team here at is comprised of individuals who put their time and energy into managing this growing and diverse environment, using their experience and knowledge surrounding Epic Mafia and its various rules. Moderators are responsible for completing the steady stream of daily reports as well as supporting the community in times of need with their leadership and their expertise. Moderators are held to a higher standard than regular users, both in games and in the forums. Being a Moderator is not only a large time commitment, it can also be a thankless job. Despite this, are you interested and committed to take on a moderation role at EpicMafia?

If so, answer these five questions listed below. Please be honest with your answers; lying about your experience or your qualities will make your application less likely to be processed.

  1. Why do you want to be a mod?

  2. Why would you be a good mod?

  3. How have you shown mod qualities on EM in the past?

  4. Have you contributed anything to the community?

  5. Do you have any prior experience with modding?

Once you have filled out these questions, please PM your answers to any currently active moderator with the subject line "Moderator Application". They will then be reviewed by a group of current moderators based on your demonstrated merit and past experience on this site. While we are accepting applications at any time, we may not always be looking for moderators, but when we are, we will review all past recent applications for possible new mods. Resubmissions during specific new mod application periods are permitted. So, if you're up to it, send us your application!

NOTE: I (mist) am NOT a currently active moderator. You can find a list of active moderators here.