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role mod you

over 9 years

post in here and i'll tell you if you would be a good role moderator like riddler

over 9 years
justrec, we get it you're bitter...

sorry bud
deletedover 9 years

Sims says

Devante says

yo lol

i would have if you didn't cheat, but you did. kind of a missed opportunity

over 9 years

Satan says

Sims says

holy heck role mods don't exist anymore.

they do now

This post made me think of Cartman doing Roadhouse.
over 9 years

Sims says

holy heck role mods don't exist anymore.

they do now
over 9 years
deletedover 9 years
sometimes i wonder where i'd be if i was still friends with riddler. riddler was a wacky dude. he meant well but also can be socially backwards.
over 9 years
i'm proud of that post and i shouldn't be
over 9 years
every morning i wake up and open palm slap a vhs into the slot. it's Role Moderators and right then and there i start doing the moves alongside with the main character, riddler.
deletedover 9 years
role mods keep em vigorous and healthy. take them twice a day.
over 9 years
maybe. are you any good at making role icons like riddler?
over 9 years
role mod me
over 9 years
i'd make you a mentor, not the head mentor because that doesn't exist anymore.
deletedover 9 years
sims would you make me a mentor? is it ok if a cheater is a mentor?

Head Mentor overlord at that
deletedover 9 years
wait is this thread to be a mod or a role mod? hmmmm
over 9 years

Sims says

i wouldn't mod a single person who has posted in slow's thread.

i posted in slow's thread
over 9 years
Wrong I would be a great role mod
over 9 years
thats a ban
over 9 years
over 9 years
Mango was always a bicurious man. He didn't realize his true feelings until he met Mew2king. One night, Mango was alone in his hotel room crying. M2k cheered him up and they watched a movie together. After the movie, things escalated quickly. Mango gave M2k nice head, then M2k slowly banged him while eating some mangos. Mango took the M2dick very well. Years later, Mango became the M2queen and they lived happily ever after on final destination.
over 9 years
i wouldn't mod a single person who has posted in slow's thread.
over 9 years
definitely not.
over 9 years
I've been around long enough .. and tbh its about time.
over 9 years

Sims says

three cheaters i would mod: satan, togepi, and devante (maybe). maybe some others i don't remember. i'd be more open to modding cheaters since the past 2 admins decided that cheating doesn't matter.

here ...
deletedover 9 years
i would be a good mod if the cheating thing never happened, i wasn't a forum personality and I wasn't as aggressive in games.

However I've never really been interested in being a long term mod because mods usually play a lot less and have to be a lot more politically correct on the forums.
over 9 years
three cheaters i would mod: satan, togepi, and devante (maybe). maybe some others i don't remember. i'd be more open to modding cheaters since the past 2 admins decided that cheating doesn't matter.