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Malkon's Records Thread

over 9 years

It's been done! After about 4-5 hours of digging through old posts in the Games Lobby and the Survivor Lobby...I have recovered...what I believe is the complete records of both LeNora and Malkon from the great thread deletion phase.

Some of these I'm unsure who exactly got 3rd place...I assume I listed people in jury by order of 3rd>4th>etc because I'm pretty consistent...but because there's doubt I'm not sure. All I'm sure of 100% in every game is the winner and 2nd...unless I specifically list a 3rd place I'm sure of.

Now in glorious HD quality...I present...

Nora's Vivors

Season 1 | Winner: Dashdashdash

Season 2 | 1st: Link, 2nd: Nikkinims, 3rd: soda17

Season 3 | 1st: Link, 2nd: 71ados, 3rd: Darkcloud1232

Season 4 | 1st: Nikkinims, 2nd: Omaha, 3rd: Link

Season 5 | 1st: Ecofox, 2nd: TheGame222, 3rd: Masnev/CancerTurtle/Darkcloud1232 (unsure of 3rd place)

Season 6 | 1st: Link, 2nd: Darkcloud1232, 3rd: Jatombicbomb

Season 7 | 1st: Mixxo, 2nd: Voice, 3rd: kidmaximus

Season 8 | 1st: Skybreeze, 2nd: bradland013, 3rd: TwoTonTyler/ Underrillian/TackyBadger (unsure of 3rd place)

Seaosn 9 | 1st: Soda17, 2nd: Magrick, 3rd: bradland013/ThomasWasAlone/Victor7 (unsure of 3rd place)

Season 10 (not 100% sure this was an actual vivor...because the records thread is gone) | 1st: petersham, 2nd: Voice, 3rd: FJFJFJJ/theMKO/potledom/dapower (unsure of 3rd place)

Nora's Whodunnits

Season 1 | Winner: MrMuitini, Runner-Up: theMKO, Killer: bignate97

Season 2 | Winner: Akotoro, Runner-Up: Blade12344, Killer: Kevin

Season 3 | Winner: Logan, Runner-Up: lecrae, Killer: Apeescape

Season 4 | Winner: Mixxo, Runner-Up: Surfman, Killer: Hydriodite

Season 5 | Winner: theMKO, Runner-Up: NickiJ, Killer: Vanessa

Nora's Other Games

Gunvivor Season 1 | 1st: AllBlack15, 2nd: wowzz, 3rd: minidude13

Gunvivor Season 2 | 1st: xViktoriya, 2nd: lecrae, 3rd: AllBlack15

Gunvivor Season 3 | 1st: ChibiRikku, 2nd: apeescaper

Twistvivor Season 1 (only season) | 1st: mariahlynn, 2nd: idkhithere, 3rd: R0ronoazoro Either a Survivor or BB...unsure because record didn't specify | 1st: heusers, 2nd: arachnid, 3rd: katiebichler/NessaMaria/bradland013 (unsure of 3rd place)

Malkon's Vivors

Season 1 | 1st: Hedger, 2nd: NessaMarie, 3rd: mintie

Season 2 | 1st: chaltier, 2nd: nami, 3rd: chairlegz

Season 3 | 1st: twistos, 2nd: UglyOS7, 3rd: power (ofdeath?...unsure though I assume so)

Season 4 | 1st: powerofdeath (considered a perfect victory, see below), 2nd: twolegit, 3rd: degree

Season 5 | 1st: Owen, 2nd: Happy0wns, 3rd: lsutton8

Season 6 | 1st: JaayCee, 2nd: Happy0wns, 3rd: mrfloatingman

Season 7 (Tribevivor Season 1) | 1st: BigDogR, 2nd: BloodDealer, 3rd: Voice

Season 8 | 1st: theMKO, 2nd: bradland013, 3rd: Reticent

Season 9 | 1st: EyeForEye, 2nd: tigerawr, 3rd: Jaleb

Malkon's BBs

Season 1 | 1st: Nami, 2nd: dtigers15, 3rd: Brainzdon

Season 2 | 1st: potledom, 2nd: dapower, 3rd: Sfeenks

Season 3 | 1st: soda17, 2nd: Logan, 3rd: mrfloatingman

Malkon's Other Games

Whodunnit Season 1 (only season) | Winner: kauzu1, Runner-Up: Orithyus, Killer: theMKO

Dog Eat Dog Season 1 (only season) | Top Dog: bradland013, Dog Pound: caels, jason315, deandean, mrfloatingman, and cezarus

Weakest Link Season 1 (only season) | 1st: HighSpace, 2nd: Caels, 3rd: hedger

Match Game Season 1 | Finale: DrFlatulence chooses not to do double or nothing. (amount won...unknown)

Match Game Season 2 | Finale: Anxiety loses in double or nothing.

And that's it...everything else is in my current records thread. I will post as much as I can below. and yes...this time, I have saved a back up. If other games exist, they have been lost to time.

Thank you for being a part of the LeNora/Malkon host anthology of Survivor/Games Lobby!

~~~~~~~~~~~CURRENT RECORDS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Malkon's Monday Mix Up

S1 (Game: Tribevivor, Twist: D1 last picked for TV are immune both tribes go to TC)-Ivana

S2 (Game: Survivor, Twist: At f7 the game switched to Big Brother)-NYGiants

S3 (Game: The Hunger Games, Twist: Life Point Auction/3 strikes elimination system)-NYGiants

S4 (Game: BB, Twist: 2 diff BB games that combined when both had 5 players remaining)-ShaggyR, co-host: powerofdeath

S5 (Game: BB, Twist: Everyone can play in all POVs)-facilier

S6-(Game: Survivor, Twist: Double Immunity...every day until f4 two people won immunity...if someone got double the points needed in certain challenges, they could pick the second person who got immunity...only happened once but was highly entertaining when it did)-Arianna

S7-(Game: Tribevivor, Twist: Constant Tribe Swap till final merge...every day each tribe voted to steal someone from the other tribe...sometimes two to balance things out)-xMeow

S8-(Game: Survivor, Twist: Eliminated contestants chose the next challenge)-Savirino98

S9-(Game: The Weakest Link, Twist: Eliminated contestants picked someone to be safe during the next challenge)-JuliaMeow

S10-(Game: Survivor, Twist: Chain Vote every day)-Kandice

S11-(Game: The Weakest Link, Twist: Evict or Tiebreak, every day the challenge winner choses whether to evict one of the bottom two, or have them do a tiebreak challenge)-Nikki





S4 (Title: BB Second Chances)-Uprizzle

S5 (18 person)-Owen


S7-(18 person) cosmostylin














Match Game:

S1-Ivana wins 250 monies

The Weakest Link:








Taco Salad




UPDATE: Apparently Heisenberg didn't care about any of my past records being found...EXCEPT the BB records...because that included a personal record for in a bizarre twist of events, I do have LeNora's old BB records (full list below):



S3-Smurk (24 person game)


s5-Skybreeze (14 person game) full results: [to be posted later]


s7-Heisenberg (aka Skybreeze)


over 8 years
In a super freaking close BB finale, Meow triumphs over facilier 3-2. Facilier won at least 4 or 5 competitions and really shocked a lot of people. Thank you to our jury (from 3rd to 7th): Jessicutiee, soda17, Bgeas15, Cammy, and madmike. Thank you so much for playing. I'm definitely gonna have to re read this one :)
over 8 years
Huh it's not letting me update this...guessing there's a new limit?
almost 9 years
You didn't recover the game where I won
almost 9 years
In a close WIFOM battle between Hatrium and nicoleslaw (3-2), Hatrium reigned victorious in one of the craziest survivor games I've hosted. Everyone of the 10 castaways had an idol they could use anytime before the end of final 5 TC. 3 people were voted out with idols in hand. Congrats to Hatrium who also was practically immune by winning immunities, playing his idol successfully (negated 6 votes), and having at least one other person play an idol on him. Twas epic. Also congrats to Clockwise26 for 3rd, eslee4 for 4th, and Savirino98 for 5th. Had fun y'all :)
almost 9 years
In a small vivor, Evolpz defeats Charley in a final game of Red Light Green Light. Przes comes in 3rd, Mouserat gets 4th, and Ari's alt gets 5th. Good game all :)
almost 9 years
Hilarious ending to a great game VictoriaRafaeli was the hunter and was evicted in the final three. She chose to shoot evolpz who evicted her and thus he was eliminated...leaving BobbS, who...despite playing on mobile and not winning a single challenge, won the whole game. Congrats BobbS kept me on my toes the whole time. Big shout out to everyone else who played, Charley 4th, daze 5th...and a couple others. Thanks had fun :)
about 9 years
In his first game ever, Handpora wins in a 2-1 vote in the final three of Unan1mous!!! Charley (2nd place) and cjn104 (3rd place) were unan1mous in their vote. Prior to the f3 there were two votes that were almost unan1mous...f5 almost was unan1mous for evolpz, and f4 was almost unan1mous for cjn104...but one bad egg spoiled the pot in both scenarios...congrats to Handpora...I want to try hosting Unan1mous one more time to test things...and then I might scrap it or keep it based on that. Thanks to the other 11 people who played. Twas epic! Rehmix and evolpz get a shout out for 4th and 5th respectively.
over 9 years
In a vote of 3-2, Beam defeats Orithyus in a 5 person jury! Huge shout out to like...five new people who played the game! Shout out to the jury (from 3rd to 7th): cosmostylin, Collage, victor7, ghildishcambino, and jasxo! Fun game, new faces, and a really fun jury where everyone showed up!!!! Thanks :D (Survivor Game)