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what happened to ranked?

over 9 years

why is it that ranked games no longer effect the (ranked score) that looked like a medal and used to increase/decrease with wins/losses. Now almost every one has an NA there and some people still have a score. Can some one please clarify? thanks!

deletedover 9 years
I see that Dibbun has a lot of free time on his hands
over 9 years
i mean thats what it used to be. no idea what it is now. people get elo based on other lobbies as well i guess.
over 9 years
also you start getting positive elo only after you win several games to bring your positive elo to 1.
over 9 years
you start getting elo only after you reach 10k points. then you get positive elo in a game based on the elo of the players you beat. if you lose you get negative elo based on the players who beat you. their elo affects your elo. so if you win several games in a row, your elo will be good enough to show your name in the fame page. like giga's name popped up there recently. it went down because giga then started losing games
over 9 years

Giga13 says

when you place high in a round you get some elo

over 9 years
it probably only works in comp or just not at all

when you place high in a round you get some elo

it's the stupidest stat that this site has ever had though (karma doesn't count; that isn't a stat)
over 9 years
actually might not. It only seems to affect a few players per game so my guess would be not.
over 9 years
does it work for new accounts then?
over 9 years
it got screwed up when the individual lobby stats were introduced so only those players that had less than 20,000 overall points before that still have their ELO work correctly.
over 9 years
ye what happened to ELO?
over 9 years
that's your ELO. i'm not sure why it doesn't affect it any more