Can you use your creeper account finder to tell me who moon's main account is? While you're drunk that is :P
SonicTheHuman says if your brain is still functioning you aint drunk enough Well if my brain aint functioning I'm not gonna say anything of any interest to anyone so clearly there is diminishing returns on this drunk thing and U r not really on point here my friend
if your brain is still functioning you aint drunk enough
Nattatatalie says this is an AMA right? that means i can ask anything. will i get a response to everything? Nope I'm not an idiot im just drunk (:
deleted over 9 years
What am i too cowardly to say myself, sir?
Devante says SlowBear says Devante says Hey, Slow, I have a question shoot what's ur opinion of people being acquaintances with known epicmafia pedophiles? Not naming names or anything Devante UR LOSING UR STATUS AS A SMART PERSON STOP NOW B4 ITS TOO LATE
deleted over 9 years
Devante says SlowBear says Devante says Hey, Slow, I have a question shoot what's ur opinion of people being acquaintances with known epicmafia pedophiles? Not naming names or anything don't use me to say what you're too cowardly to say yourself
this is an AMA right? that means i can ask anything. will i get a response to everything?
deleted over 9 years
SlowBear says Devante says Hey, Slow, I have a question shoot what's ur opinion of people being acquaintances with known epicmafia pedophiles? Not naming names or anything
Nattatatalie says Arcbell says Nattatatalie says what is your opinion on the current political state of epicmafiadotcom, arcnerd? Its fun for me but not for anyone else loooool why is it fun for you. it seems pretty dull if anything rn. BC i have all kinds of strings everywhere and it's amusing lmaoooo
Arcbell says Nattatatalie says what is your opinion on the current political state of epicmafiadotcom, arcnerd? Its fun for me but not for anyone else loooool why is it fun for you. it seems pretty dull if anything rn.
deleted over 9 years
Devante says Hey, Slow, I have a question shoot
Nattatatalie says what is your opinion on the current political state of epicmafiadotcom, arcnerd? Its fun for me but not for anyone else loooool
deleted over 9 years
Hey, Slow, I have a question
what is your opinion on the current political state of epicmafiadotcom, arcnerd?
Luca says wow drunk arcbell wasup HI!!!! AMA
deleted over 9 years
wow drunk arcbell wasup
deleted over 9 years
Arcbell says SlowBear says Arcbell says SlowBear says no, i didn't IT WAS IMPLIED BY THE FACT THAT U THOUGHT IT WAS A RELEVANT POST TO MAKE U DINK it was topical YES I NTHAT THE TOPIC WAS HOWL AND UR POST WAS ABOUT HOWL very nice "it was topical" ur in the clear now loooool OK
SlowBear says Arcbell says SlowBear says no, i didn't IT WAS IMPLIED BY THE FACT THAT U THOUGHT IT WAS A RELEVANT POST TO MAKE U DINK it was topical YES I NTHAT THE TOPIC WAS HOWL AND UR POST WAS ABOUT HOWL very nice "it was topical" ur in the clear now loooool
Jaleb says Also can you charge my phone battery? No I can't do that 4 U over the internet SORRY
deleted over 9 years
Arcbell says SlowBear says no, i didn't IT WAS IMPLIED BY THE FACT THAT U THOUGHT IT WAS A RELEVANT POST TO MAKE U DINK it was topical
Jaleb says Are you even drunk? Is is not obvious to U clearly U don't know undrunk arcbell enough
Also can you charge my phone battery?
deleted over 9 years
kittykeri says why do you type really weird while drunk and caps random things and overuse 'lol' probably because he's not drunk or at least for his sake i hope he's not