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I got banned from sandbox

about 9 years

LOOOOOOOOOOOL I got banned for advertising a survivor game. They should have said that was a rule but I guess sandbox is for those who don't understand rules in the first place.

about 9 years
deletedabout 9 years
Banned from sandbox is worse than banned from Burning Man
deletedabout 9 years
Give it to doughnut.
about 9 years

Sims says

I'm not sure how I feel about sandbox moderating itself anymore

Give me the Sandbox.
about 9 years


error fixed an error :3

puns are freaking awesome
about 9 years


error fixed an error :3

With comments like that you should probably be banned from Main too.
about 9 years
I don't know much about this, but thanks for doing the right thing error.
about 9 years
error fixed an error :3
deletedabout 9 years
without meaning to undermine kenny, i'm unbanning you. that was just plain silly. sorry for the inconvenience!
about 9 years
I'm not sure how I feel about sandbox moderating itself anymore
about 9 years