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about 9 years

Welcome to another opinions page. This one is different because, instead of giving opinions to everyone who asks, I will collect them. If you want, I would love it if you would answer these questions:

How do you feel of me as a person?

How am I doing as a host? What am I doing right/wrong?

How am I doing as a player? What am I doing right/wrong?

How do you consider me in challenges? Would you consider me a threat?

How good/bad am I about alliances?

Anything else I should improve upon?

Thanks in advance, and I hope to see you all soon. :)

PS: In case you've seen a weirdo named ElectricMankey, that's my alt. You can base your opinions about him too. P-:

2 signed
I like petitions. Feel free to sign because an active signer is a happy signer, and a happy signer is a happy signer. :D
Should I do some more evil hosting?
Who are you?
Yes, I enjoy the twists.
I have never played a game you hosted.
No, you need to slow down on the constant twists.
about 9 years
I 'feel' nothing particular about you.

I have never played in a game you hosted, but I'll assume you aren't a good host because of the 'constant twists' you seem to enjoy hosting, as shown in the poll you created.

I have never played with you. But since you put 'threat' and 'challenges' in the same line, I assume you believe that being a threat or not depends on your challenge performance. In this case I have no choice but to write you down as a bad player.

You did play in a game I hosted yesterday, and you got eliminated by a unanimous vote. So I think you need to work on managing alliances.

Can't really say what to improve on when I've never played with you or had you as a host. I think you'd become a better player/host if you change your bingo mentality.

Edit: Sorry for this being negative, but that's my opinion