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omaha's opinions

about 9 years

aka the only thing that matters

if i make u cry that's not my fault


deletedabout 9 years
im quite scared.
about 9 years

Happy0wns says

this 1 literally will be horrible lol

i literally do not care about you at all. i honestly cannot find any redeeming qualities in you..i don't think you're funny i think you're annoying and you get way too angry over games on here. i honestly have no idea why you asked for this because you clearly knew that i was going express my hatred for you. smh some of y'all are messed up...why do you want to read something when you KNOW someone is going to say mean things about you. that's up. you're pretty irrelevant to my life and in general. you're so irrelevant to me that i can never remember if you are an alt for "Owen" or not but then owen starts talking and i realize i actually like him so clearly you cannot be the same person.

overall, happy0wns, you are neither funny nor memorable (report me for that AGAIN, i dare you)
about 9 years

R0ronoaZoro says

also jackattack wants an opinion

hi jack im sorry for making you wait a whole day :( you're easily one of the funniest on here and you never fail to make me laugh. i think we have pretty similar senses of humor, kind of dry and sarcastic (i don't know if im wording this right but i think you know what i mean). even though we don't talk much one on one you're easily one of my favorite people on here just because of how funny you are. also i really appreciate how not dramatic and chill you are. you're never involved in any 'drama' and you didn't make a big deal about leaving and you actually have a life outside of em which is a++. i feel like i def have more to say that im just forgetting... anyways jack you're awesome and we should talk more!!

tl;dr: god bless u jack
about 9 years
I'm interested
about 9 years
this 1 literally will be horrible lol
about 9 years

Arianna says


hello hello first of all i think you're really rad. i love playing in games with you because you're hilarious and always make me laugh some way or especially you and charley always backstabbing one another and telling the other person when you're gonna do it. that just kills me for some reason it's hilar. we've never been very close or talked very much which sucks because i really like you (although we're actually talking rn which is cool!!). i have nothing bad to say about you, you've always been super nice to me and you're funny so let's definitely talk more!
about 9 years

R0ronoaZoro says

yes pls

rororroororoo i absolutely love you. you're honestly one of my favorite people on this website because you're so nice to everyone and i don't think i've ever heard you say a rude thing about anyone. as we all know i am a very negative person so your kindness nicely balances out my meanness. you're also hilarious. in fact as i was typing this something you said in the chat made me laugh out loud and that rarely happens. i wish we talked more bc you're absolutely awesome and rad and i feel like i've known you such a long time. 10/10 you are a great human being i have literally nothing negative to say about you
about 9 years

deandean says

third (eat your heart out)

i honestly don't know why you commented on this because i don't really like you and im pretty sure you know that so this is awkward now but i will honor your request.
okay like i really don't like you sorry it's not your fault. i don't think you're funny. when you try and be funny it's kind of like you just spit back something funny someone has said to you before or you just take their joke and replace the names in it so it looks like you came up with it. you make me uncomfortable a lot because you say some weird to try and impress people (jack michael etc??) and it's just cringeworthy. i think you take this website way too seriously like it's just internet java mafia it's not real life. you made a huge deal about leaving and being like "this is it guys im done for real", lo and behold you come back within like two weeks. like if you really wanted to not play it's easy just log out i do it every year for 9 months until i get bored, but i think you're just doing it for attention so you were never really serious about quitting. also let me use this to talk about how i hate everyone who takes this website/themselves so seriously like when people say "omg ____ lied to me i can't trust them anymore" like off it's a website log off go outside into the sunlight please you're probably low on vitamin d anyways. anyways back to you dean. i don't really like you, you know this, i doubt my feelings will ever change, sorry. you just make me uncomfortable and you take this all way too seriously
about 9 years
also jackattack wants an opinion
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
yes pls
about 9 years

Voice says

no replies yet

ur stinky
about 9 years
aw i love toast <3
about 9 years

evolpz says


honestly i know nothing about you at all

like actually nothing

you haven't given me a reason to hate you yet but i also haven't found a reason to like you that much either. if i had to describe u as an item of food i would say plain toast. because im never like "PLAIN TOAST! YES" but if someone put plain toast in front of me i wouldn't smack it out of their hands and be like "get that filth away from me". i can coexist with plain toast it doesn't bother me. plain toast isn't my meal of choice but i am sure there are people out there who get pumped over plain toast and i respect that

i don't hate you tho you're nice and haven't done anything that really annoys me so that's cool

edit: i forgot to add that you hate women
about 9 years
im so excited
about 9 years

Savirino98 says


i don't really know you very well but im in both those chats with you and you haven't done anything yet to make me hate you which is good, except for saying 'same' to everything bc that gave me like 8 forms of cancer. when you're not saying 'same' you're actually pretty funny and have made me chuckle on more than one occasion so nice. i approve.
deletedabout 9 years
third (eat your heart out)
about 9 years
about 9 years
about 9 years
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