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Moderator Application Guidelines

about 9 years

The mod team of EpicMafia is comprised of volunteers who put their time into enforcing and managing the large userbase we have. Moderators are responsible for handling the constant stream of user reports as well as helping the users with any questions or issues they may have. Being a moderator can be a big time commitment, on top of being a thankless job.

If you are interested in applying to be a moderator, please answer the questions honestly below and send your application to a current moderator. Answering dishonestly or withholding information will be detrimental towards you, as honesty is valued highly.

  1. Why are you interested in being a mod?

  2. Do you consider yourself to be an active and helpful member of the EpicMafia community?

  3. Being on the mod team is a team effort, as the name suggests. Do you have any prior experience working in teams, and would you handle working with a large group of people well?

  4. Have you had any major site violations in the past?

  5. More than anything else, modding involves handling user reports. Do you consider yourself to have a good grasp of the site rules?

Once you have filled out these questions, please send your application to any current moderator and the application will be saved and reviewed. While we may not always be looking for new moderators, when we are we make sure to review all applications previously sent, so re-submissions aren't necessary unless you want to change information on your application. If you are chosen, you will be contacted via PM before you're modded.