about 9 years

If you have somebody obvious gamethrowing and trolling, and you sui after because the game will be reported, should you be vio'd for GRS?

about 9 years
1- it has always been given a grs vio, so i just ask for consistency normally

2- it is very stupid that a person is getting a loss on their pie when the game is being thrown and he knows it, so the rule should change and the person should be allowed to leave the game if someone else is breaking the game or breaking any rule. one should not be forced to sit through harassment or get a loss because of someone else. The refund does not remove the loss from the pie.

3- i am ok with a loss instead of a suicide, because i think i can still make the game go my way if i keep trying so i dont suicide, but some people prefer the suicide instead of the loss on their pie because they care about their pie. i do not mind a loss on my pie, because it is a give and take, most of the times i avoid the loss by trying so i always try and sometimes get the loss. moreover i stay to report the person because it is more important to me than the loss on the pie.

either ways the person should not get the grs vio.
deletedabout 9 years
i haven't played chess like ever dude. i'll give it a go tho
deletedabout 9 years
want to play chess, belovedprincess?
deletedabout 9 years
and i just looked it up and it says exactly that first line lmao

"The Elo rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in competitor-versus-competitor games such as chess."
deletedabout 9 years
elo ranking on this site is dumb too btw. elo is for one-on-one gaming
deletedabout 9 years
nah, that's about right, matt
about 9 years
im sorry sirius pls dont hate me
about 9 years

belovedprincess says

i'm going to explain this because i'm bored.

sirius in a nutshell
deletedabout 9 years
i wanna see site traffic tho tbh. i really wonder which way this site caught more traffic
about 9 years
This is epicmafia. This is not about who is right.
deletedabout 9 years
hey idc man. just when ur right ur right
about 9 years
Beloved don't even worry about it lol
about 9 years
well, as a man of god i say we burn this bihhh down then lol
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
epicmafia is the new sodom and gomorrah
deletedabout 9 years
bro, vios are supposed to protect the integrity of the game, they're not god's dumb random rules like gays can't have sex or something
about 9 years

belovedprincess says

i'm going to explain this because i'm bored. not that it's going to be paid any attention to, ofc.

this isn't really vioable (viable, lol). the point of moderation is more or less to keep games relative to each other. it's to cut out cheating, gamethrowing, trolling etc., so that the wins one person has are relative to the wins another person has, so that people can be ranked.

in this instance however, had town won they'd have taken a much easier win than the town is supposed to get in that setup or pretty much any setup, so the game is broken, not relative to other games - ranking goes out the window. and so endo really only sui'd out of a broken game, right? he has a point, in fairness.

and u can say he played on or whatever, and that's actually the crux - had he played on and won, game wouldn't have been refunded, so why should he get a win/win? why shouldn't he get GRS if he would've played on after the troll? - but had he won, thinking about it, he'd have been taking a win at significantly decreased winchance, and it seems it'd be fairer to allow that on the board than a town win with significantly increased winchance, as the former is won by skill where the latter isn't.

but then, also, this game is really silly now, like endo says again, and moderating red heart games to begin with seems pointless what with custom lobbies, the site's a big sandbox lol

but then, also, the vio is still wrong any way u look at it, good day lol

it's a grs vio because he suicided for a reason related to the game lol
deletedabout 9 years
i'm going to explain this because i'm bored. not that it's going to be paid any attention to, ofc.

this isn't really vioable (viable, lol). the point of moderation is more or less to keep games relative to each other. it's to cut out cheating, gamethrowing, trolling etc., so that the wins one person has are relative to the wins another person has, so that people can be ranked.

in this instance however, had town won they'd have taken a much easier win than the town is supposed to get in that setup or pretty much any setup, so the game is broken, not relative to other games - ranking goes out the window. and so endo really only sui'd out of a broken game, right? he has a point, in fairness.

and u can say he played on or whatever, and that's actually the crux - had he played on and won, game wouldn't have been refunded, so why should he get a win/win? why shouldn't he get GRS if he would've played on after the troll? - but had he won, thinking about it, he'd have been taking a win at significantly decreased winchance, and it seems it'd be fairer to allow that on the board than a town win with significantly increased winchance, as the former is won by skill where the latter isn't.

but then, also, this game is really silly now, like endo says again, and moderating red heart games to begin with seems pointless what with custom lobbies, the site's a big sandbox lol

but then, also, the vio is still wrong any way u look at it, good day lol
deletedabout 9 years

Endorphins says

ScubaSteve says

Just make up a reason to leave like everyone else?

I rather be unapologetic about it.

1 case: we refund an undeserved win and or loss.

Same case but red heart: Nah fugg it we're epicmafia moderators we do what we want.

Well if you're going out of your way to be unapologetic about it and make a point, at least you know what's coming. Also you have 19 other red hearts to play if one gets messed up due to the fact someone felt the need to troll it and make the game unplayable. If you just sit there and ride it out, they'll get their ban, and you have like 39 more hearts to play between your main and your alt.
about 9 years

Endorphins says

@shamzy add me and tarantino.

@tarantino Try the BRM. No recoil LMG dirty as fugggggggg

whats your psn?
deletedabout 9 years

belovedprincess says


ok well the fact that you initially decided to continue making an attempt to play the game and then only decide it's not worth it when you start getting voted the next day should make it blatantly obvious why this is a GRS

actually this is arguable lol. i'm biased towards shenanigans being a good poster
about 9 years

Sanctify says

firing range remains the best map to ever be made.

also, my opinion was mostly for gamebattling which was what i did mostly on black ops 1, i found gamebattling a lot gayer in the later versions. bo1 had the best guns and perks for GB gaming.

deletedabout 9 years


ok well the fact that you initially decided to continue making an attempt to play the game and then only decide it's not worth it when you start getting voted the next day should make it blatantly obvious why this is a GRS

about 9 years
firing range remains the best map to ever be made.

also, my opinion was mostly for gamebattling which was what i did mostly on black ops 1, i found gamebattling a lot gayer in the later versions. bo1 had the best guns and perks for GB gaming.
about 9 years

Sanctify says

Tarantino says

Sanctify says

black ops 1 was the last good cod and the rest blow deez lol

Mw2 was the last one I played before my friend gave me this black ops 3 beta but this one is sweet imo

tbh i only started gaming when black ops 1 came out, i tried mw2 for a bit after i played black ops but i didn't enjoy it as much as black ops.

i guess because bo1 took my virginity i can't get over it

BO2 was better than BO1 mostly, but BO1 zombies were better. That's really the only thing i play call of duty for anyways now, so BO3 better deliver on that