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Worst Mistakes in Epicmafia!

about 9 years

This is a Topic about the worst mistakes someone you knew made in Epicmafia. Post them below so everyone can laugh!!!

almost 9 years
zambi is an account to insult me. WHAT PROBLEM DO YOU EVEN HAVE WITH ME?
almost 9 years

zambi says

Chitose signing up.

Shut up. Chitose is my idol.
deletedalmost 9 years
that time someone thought it was a good idea to mod pranay
deletedalmost 9 years
I don't see how current mods can complain about being a Mod. (In general)
almost 9 years

LadyNemesis says

Becoming a mod.

almost 9 years
Chitose signing up.
almost 9 years
Becoming a mod.
almost 9 years
Gunned Mafia and did an epic rs with said mafia.... :3 :3
almost 9 years
When town wants to KL someone on D1 instead of letting them veg and the person flips town.
almost 9 years
logging in
deletedalmost 9 years
Recently some one got me as inno, but said I was guilty on accident and the town lynched both the cop and I.
deletedalmost 9 years
bell unbanning ABC because she was stepping down.

Couldn't have expect more from her.
deletedalmost 9 years
Tannyboi & Imhereandyournot posting on the lobby wall on the same day, therefore making us all want to kill ourselves.
almost 9 years
bell modding a mentally unstable person on hormones.
deletedalmost 9 years
2mon 10d
1mon 24d
Inappropriate Content
1mon 14d
Game Related Suicide
1mon 13d
1mon 12d
Game Throwing
29d 20h
Game Related Suicide
1d 1h
Game Throwing

lol. Good hearty ban incoming.
deletedalmost 9 years
I'm up to 6 vios. Looking forward to the 8th tbh.
deletedalmost 9 years
Only getting banned twice having been here so long. Easily the worst mistake anyone can make, I reckon.
almost 9 years
i once played fp, was cop
i checked n1 and tabbed
when i came back, i forgot i was cop(this was late at night)
i was gunned, and i even had a mafia report on mafia 1(didnt even see the report)
mafia 2 claims cop, i follow him thinking its auto

i dont think anyone has ever up this bad before, it was so awful
almost 9 years
Not clicking the link for free colors.
deletedalmost 9 years
$100 dollars for rolesharing on skype with your friends
almost 9 years
Logging in.
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years
My life
almost 9 years
dang i was gonna say joining
deletedalmost 9 years
Finding this game.