i would advise not getting it on the back of your neck.
deletedover 9 years
I would actually suggest not getting a tattoo because it'll probably be a dumb tattoo and end up a scar more than anything else.
it feels like a cat scratching sunburn
so take that for what its worth
deletedover 9 years
I am decidedly less insane/manic these days.
deletedover 9 years
Or any of you ever do the thing where you burn the smiley face onto your hand by heating the metal part of the lighter then sticking it to your hand? Kids, man...
deletedover 9 years
Yeah, it was badass though. Like, daring the world of pain or something, lol. I was a nutty kid.
I can conceal the back of my neck with my hair
And beloved... ouuuuchhhh
deletedover 9 years
Some tattoos own, to be honest. I'll probably get a few someday once I've put on some actual muscle, I think.
get it somewhere it can be concealed by normal clothing.
unless u want to never be in a professional career
deletedover 9 years
I once carved my name into my arm with the blade out of a pencil sharpener with one of my mates at the back of class in school. It looks pretty wicked when I have a tan. Hurt like f though.
wtf why i think they're hot
deletedover 9 years
Don't get a tattoo
deletedover 9 years
back of the neck tattoos are so ugly lol