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Hungover/Currently drinking

over 9 years

You know the drill. Also I updated it for those lucky people who don't get hangovers

over 9 years

ling says

why are you drinking every day whats your problem

you're misunderstanding. I only talk to you when I'm drinking because you annoy me when I'm sober ;)
over 9 years
sippin on some rosé
over 9 years
why are you drinking every day whats your problem
over 9 years

Satan says

i am not hungover but i am hungry

have a snickers
deletedover 9 years
Anthony is the best for making this thread
over 9 years
im hungover!
over 9 years
i am not hungover but i am hungry
over 9 years

Satan says

thanks for the update jaleb

Now to satan for his update.
over 9 years
thanks for the update jaleb
over 9 years
Good to know, sadly i have to head out of town at 8am so I cannot join tonight. If I did drink it would be a bar, so it doesn't really give conversation either.
over 9 years
and btw i'm hungover