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Mod Hurt&Heal (REBORN)

about 9 years

The rules are simple:

  • Copy and paste the list from the person above and edit it.
  • Subtract 2 from a mod/admin and add +1 to another.
  • You may post once every 6 hours.
  • Fix peoples mistakes when you see them.
  • Do NOT add new people.

admin - 20

jeffreyarron - 20

Togepi - 20

JonSnow - 20

deandean - 20

Lycii - 20

Nicole - 20

Owl - 20

Anthony - 20

Shamzy - 20

aspire - 20

Dreamquakes - 20

haze - 20

DrakeJr - 20

The - 20

Solace - 20

WINNER: Dreamquakes


admin woke up from a deep slumber, only to find out Rutab had taken over his site.

The was surfing the forums and saw a Pranay post. He laughed so hard he choked... but was still smiling when he died.

deandean the green bean's jeans were just too slim.

DrakeJr got shot and left to die. Unfortunately, his cellphone had no signal.

Nicole found out Shamzy had been sleeping with other girls, so she overdosed.

haze had been succing through too many boxers. She got mouth herpes.

Togepi the admin, was knocked TF out by jeffreyaaron.

owl the lad, died from exhaustion... from doing too much bhangra.

Anthony thought he could survive against abc in a cage fight...

aspire fell way too hard from heaven.

Shamzy thought he could cheat again and get away with it.

Lycii wasn't kawaii enough to charm her haters.

jeffreyaaron the admin, thought he had it all.. until owl swooped in and killed him with insane Bhangra.

Solace was double-crossed by Dreamquakes at the very last minute... her last words were: ""

about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 11
Lycii - 3(--)
Dreamquakes -13 (+)
Solace - 14
deletedabout 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 11 (--)
Lycii - 5(+)
Dreamquakes -12
Solace - 14
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 13
Lycii - 4 (+)
Dreamquakes -12 (-2)
Solace - 14
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 13 (+)
Lycii - 3 (--)
Dreamquakes - 14
Solace - 14

jeff's picture is hot so. :p
about 9 years
Arcbell <3
about 9 years
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :'(
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 12
Lycii - 5 (--)
Dreamquakes - 14 (+)
Solace - 14
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 12 (+)
Lycii - 7 (--)
Dreamquakes - 13
Solace - 14
deletedabout 9 years

jeffreyaaron says

Can I forum ban Rutab for hurting me?

about 9 years
Can I forum ban Rutab for hurting me?
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 11 (--)
Lycii - 8 (+)
Dreamquakes - 13
Solace - 14
deletedabout 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 13 (--)
Lycii - 7
Dreamquakes - 13 +
Solace - 14
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 15
Lycii - 7
Dreamquakes - 12 +
Solace - 14 --
deletedabout 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 15
Lycii - 7
Dreamquakes - 11 (--)
Solace - 16 (+)
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 15
Lycii - 7 (-)
Shamzy - 0 (-) ADIOS
Dreamquakes - 13 (+)
Solace - 15
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 15
Lycii - 8
Shamzy - 3 (-2 = 1)
Dreamquakes - 12 (+1=13)
Solace - 15
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 15
Lycii - 8 (+)
Shamzy - 3 (--)
Dreamquakes - 12
Solace - 15
deletedabout 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 15
Lycii - 7 (+)
Shamzy - 5
Dreamquakes - 12 (--)
Solace - 15
deletedabout 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 15
Lycii - 6 (+)
Shamzy - 5
Dreamquakes - 14 (--)
Solace - 15
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 15
Lycii - 5 (--)
Shamzy - 5
Dreamquakes - 16
Solace - 15 (+)
about 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 15 +
Lycii - 7
Shamzy - 5
aspire - 0 -- oh no u is ded
Dreamquakes - 16
Solace - 14
deletedabout 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 14
Lycii - 7
Shamzy - 5
aspire - 2 --
Dreamquakes - 16
Solace - 14 +
deletedabout 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 14 +
Lycii - 7
Shamzy - 5
aspire - 4 --
Dreamquakes - 16
Solace - 13
deletedabout 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 13
Lycii - 7 (+)
Anthony - 0 (--) RIP
Shamzy - 5
aspire - 6
Dreamquakes - 16
Solace - 13
deletedabout 9 years
Jeffreyaaron - 13
Lycii - 6
Anthony - 2(--)
Shamzy - 5
aspire - 6
Dreamquakes - 16 (+)
Solace - 13