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Brave New World

almost 9 years

"Absolutely nothing" is the answer that some would give you when asked "what is a Role Moderator." They could not be further from the truth. The newly appointed admins and moderators have specifically appointed me for this task, with a clear vision.

As a Role Moderator I am a role model, a leader of society. With the added support of the other Role Moderators I plan to take this website to new heights. My job as a forum personality and innovative thinker is to spark a greater passion and interest for epicmafiadotcom.

There will always be doubters and skeptics. I will not give up nor back down.

I will be leading the charge, to a Brave New World.

almost 9 years
Add more easy achievements that i can farm.
For example add achievement for sniper. Both deputy and sheriff has one.
almost 9 years
LadyNem is a great person :), why did I not meet her earlier.
almost 9 years
*Looks up to JohnReid, feels pure idolation and faints*
almost 9 years
Also make me forum mod, i'll revamp this place.
almost 9 years
Also, change Role Moderator to Role Model. And just have it people who help with the site, but without mod actions and stuff. Basically trusted people that new people know they can trust and talk to about issues involving the site. And have them listed near mods and mentors. Problem solved.
almost 9 years
My boy jeffrey runs this town now.
almost 9 years
I am the one true role mod
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
sims you are breaking my heart.
deletedalmost 9 years
I wouldn't stand for that, Sims.
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years
Sims I like you a lot :), and really respect your time as an admin. So take this lightly ;)

This sums up ex admins:

almost 9 years
Lucid said he was planning on removing the role moderator feature.
almost 9 years
there is a growing divide in the role moderators. I will use this opportunity to eliminate them one by one
deletedalmost 9 years
tis new to thee
deletedalmost 9 years
O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't!
almost 9 years
gerry, why are you upvoting the thread you traitor
almost 9 years
LOL RinLin9, i assume you tried to type wh0re. ;) .

Owl if you don't appreciate me then keep it to yourself. I don't need your hate.
almost 9 years
Johnreid is confirmed attention W.hore
almost 9 years
can I be a role moderator
deletedalmost 9 years
Ah Sims... Now there's a role moderator I can appreciate.
almost 9 years

Sims says


Some are born weird, some achieve it, others have weirdness thrust upon them.
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
A whole new wooooooooooorld. A dazzling place I never knew.
deletedalmost 9 years

owl says

As a role moderator, I do not support you.

owl you are a sad case. Why do you not come out in support of your fellow role moderator.