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Continue the Story

about 9 years
  • Each player comes up with the next line of a continuing story.

Lets goooo

about 9 years
End of Story.
Interested to find out what happens next?
Check out the sequel to this amazing story titled
"Devante&Caroline: Jack's revenge"
about 9 years
then devante turns into a zombie and devours caroline

the end
deletedabout 9 years
devante dies

the end

lock thread
about 9 years
Kick that gay-áss modesty to the curb.
about 9 years
1/1 caroline's agree, jack's bone satisfies far better than the leading brand
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too bad caroline didn't like extra small bones, she ran back to jack for his bone
about 9 years
is what caroline thought until she saw devante for herself... now she wanted to try his bone
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devantes a loser
about 9 years
is what jack said when caroline swallowed the bone whole. she must have a lot of experience, he thought to himself.
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oh my god
about 9 years
Chapter 3: Caroline's Bone

There was a dog called Caroline who was given a small bone by her owner, Jack.
about 9 years
End of Chapter 2... To be continued
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caroline was actually a human and stayed that way for the rest of the story. shamzy broke both of his legs trying to run away from the powerful couple and he will be on bed rest so we won't see much of him anymore. caroline and jack run away from this awful place. to be continued
about 9 years
who (the horse) was actually caroline in disguise... it was insanely hideous. Shamzy got back up, picked up a rock and threw it towards caroline the horse... it got stuck in her
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jack ran over shamzy with his horse
about 9 years
named jack...
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a beautiful princess
about 9 years
Jeff Pepe was shocked to see caroline's sudden appearance. I was shocked too. She started to evolve into something.. scary.. something .. ugly.. it was:
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devante is ugly
about 9 years
Then caroline punched DrakeJr in the face and said...
about 9 years
because caroline is a thot
about 9 years
was all Jeff Pepe kept saying the entire time.. I asked him why he kept saying "caroline is a thot" and he replied with:
about 9 years
caroline is a thot
about 9 years
Entering Chapter 2: Meeting Jeff Pepe
about 9 years