almost 9 years


Battlegrounds King: SteelCurtain

Challengers Defeated: *karthikbk (x2)

Battlesnakes King: Lloyd

Challengers Defeated: *SteelCurtain

Boggle King: przes

Challengers Defeated: arenaceous (x2), LiteNinjaY, Sarynade, Splorer (x2), kianal, ChitoseSakuraba, absolutevalue, PonyLove, Wiggaplease, freshman (x3), Telepathy, Benjamin250, nikw98, coaleyes, triasian, DinoWorld, Adorbz, hankob, Melt

Checkers King: przes

Challengers Defeated: Chitose, freshman

Chess King: julianna969,

Challengers Defeated: *Unsuspicious (x2), ShadoNinjaX, karthikbk (x3), powerofdeath, AtlusKun, SteelCurtain (x3)

Connect Four King: karthikbk

Challengers Defeated: *SteelCurtain

His Royal Rexness (Hex King): Splorer

Challengers Defeated: *przes, Angryrobotnoises, Benjamin250, Blazeblack, Cali1Smoove (x6), emmy, lukedukepuke, Melt, Soluciones, Steelcurtain (x2) TreeBeard1 (x3), yellowcat53

Jotto King: Chinatsu

Challengers Defeated: *RubberDuckzilla, skillz (x2), Adorbz (x2) Chitose, Codeslicer, Emmy, PowerofDeath (x3), LukeLukens (x2), TheAsian, ScoobyDooo,She (x2), Smack, PokeguyNXB

Mancala King: Stirn

Challengers Defeated: *SteelCurtain (x4),

Reversi King: przes

Challengers Defeated: LiteNinjaY, TeamAquaGrunt, KrzyGreek, Benjamin250 (x2), DinoWorld, Adorbz, Lichen, Danny7Tanner

Stack it! King: twist

Challengers Defeated: MonadoMasterSh, MrSir, Saika, Vorthos, yorkwarrior, TheCoolOneMC,BadJokeGrape, Devante, dnldsbrw, Kasha, killer123, levizx, Liege, maevey, Orlandeau, pamda (x2), PleaseDonot, Proximity (x3), Saika(x5), winterz (x10), youcheese, klatertots, Splorer, Anna


  • To become a King/Queen is pretty simple: Defeat the current leader in that game and take their spot as royalty
  • When you are King/Queen you MUST play or host the game AT LEAST every 4 days. I am keeping track of each defeated challenger and lazy Kings will be overthrown (I highly suggest you play more than one game per 4 days)
  • To record your result in a game, either comment on this thread or PM me directly. Honesty will usually be fine as I trust most of you guys will be honest about who won, but if there is any doubt I'll probably need a screenshot so you may want to screenshot the result just in case
  • Suicides or kicking will NOT count as a victory UNLESS there is indisputable evidence one side was going to win anyways
  • In games where there can be different setups (Jotto word length, Boggle board etc.) The King/Queen can determine the setup themselves. There is no official setup and it's up to the challengers to defeat them at their best
  • To start, the first person to comment on this thread or PM me the result of a game will be the first King/Queen. Games finished before the creation of this game do not count.
  • Anyone caught cheating will be banished from the Leaderboard


  • Here is link to the original idea thread:
  • If you are King/Queen and would rather be called something else (Duke, Prince, Ruler, Emperor etc.) that is completely ok just let me know
  • Likewise, if you want to rename your "Challengers Defeated" to something else like "Peasants, Civilians etc." that is also ok, just let me know and make sure it's appropriate
  • I will be updating this thread every time I log onto EM so that will usually be daily, however I can get a bit busy at times so it may take longer.
  • I realize there are many more games out there to play, however this is just the beginning and I want to keep it smaller and more simple for now
  • (x#) represents the number of times that challenger has been defeated by the current King/Queen
  • (*) represents the previous King/Queen that has been defeated
  • Good luck everyone!!! Have fun!
almost 9 years
Ratscrew is not part of the royalty yet but I'm cool with making one!
almost 9 years
question: does ratscrew have a king/queen yet because I'll fight them and if not how do i go about applying for such a position
deletedalmost 9 years
beat tinyboxtim in checkers
almost 9 years
Beat PonyLove at jotto
almost 9 years
I got my crown back from Unsuspicious in Battlegrounds by beating him.Please crown me before i lose it again
almost 9 years
Let it be known: I've defeated greatergoodguy 2 out of 2 times in Hex. I declare myself Rex of Hex (also acceptable: Hex Rex, His Royal Rexness, Rexor of Noobs)
deletedalmost 9 years
my other victims include: BadJokeGrape, Devante, dnldsbrw, Kasha, killer123, levizx, Liege, maevey, Orlandeau, pamda (x2), PleaseDonot, Proximity (x3), Saika(x4 update), winterz (x10), youcheese

i have screens but dont want to upload unless i have to
almost 9 years
You are king. Remember though, suicides and vegs don't count unless there's undisputable evidence you were going to win prior to the veg. I'm cycling through your imgur post rn. Also you don't have to screenshot everything unless you think like they're going to deny that you won. I trust most of you guys
deletedalmost 9 years
i have won a lot more games since the above and lost none, i am the king
deletedalmost 9 years

is this good enough or do i need more games
almost 9 years
Read the rules twist lol you have to report games in
deletedalmost 9 years
why am i not the stack it king yet
almost 9 years
^^ depends on game. Games like chess and battlegrounds I think one game is sufficient but maybe quicker games like connect 4 or checkers etc. could be best 2 out of 3? idk I'm keeping it simple for now
deletedalmost 9 years
1v1 challenges should be best 2 out of 3 or best 3 out of 5 when facing the king/queen. Just my opinion.
almost 9 years
Beat UltraAug at Jotto
almost 9 years
Is julianna crowned chess king?I am challenging the chess king to play me.King please order when u can play your slave
almost 9 years
yes przes we played in best out of 3 for chess and I won 2-0, you can ask unsuspicious for confirmation
deletedalmost 9 years
no one, im just really good at stack it
almost 9 years
Ok, so just so you know I am actively competing, just had a match but we both decided to end the game so neither of us won or lost. Challenge will be made tomorrow :)
almost 9 years
Julianna - did you really??

Twist - who did you beat??
deletedalmost 9 years
i am the stack it king
almost 9 years
i beated unsuspicious at chess hehe
deletedalmost 9 years
I literally lost at every single game available here.

There goes my chances of becoming king.

And I suck at chess. I mean, I used to be good. Like 4 years ago.

-Lite's Main
almost 9 years
Yuppp just defeat someone at checkers
deletedalmost 9 years
ummm so since there is no checkers king can I become one?