over 9 years

what are you watching and what to watch?

best new series
jessica jones
master of none
almost 7 years

Calvin says

Sincerely says

what's a show on netflix i can watch without too many functional brain cells and without any patience so I can stop thinking about the eighty-something games of epicmafia I just screwed up in

it's always sunny


welp...onto hulu!
almost 7 years
Series of Unfortunate Events season 2 is up. YYYYYYYAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS!!!!!!
over 7 years
Inappropriate thread for this I know but

where did the twin peaks thread go? The ending was masterful
almost 8 years
idunno it being always sunny is one of my least favorite things about the place i live so just judging by the title alone it wouldn't be my first pick?? i appreciate the rec though.
deletedalmost 8 years
or if ur gonna work in a bar, it's always sunny is a good reference
almost 8 years
oh yeah the office is supposed to be really good and it's probably a good reference for if i'm ever working in an office and have to learn how to conduct myself. Thanks!
almost 8 years
So I got to season 4 of The 100 and now I've kind of lost interest. Trying to find something new to watch.
deletedalmost 8 years

Sincerely says

what's a show on netflix i can watch without too many functional brain cells and without any patience so I can stop thinking about the eighty-something games of epicmafia I just screwed up in

it's always sunny
deletedalmost 8 years

Sincerely says

what's a show on netflix i can watch without too many functional brain cells and without any patience so I can stop thinking about the eighty-something games of epicmafia I just screwed up in

the office over and over and over again
almost 8 years
what's a show on netflix i can watch without too many functional brain cells and without any patience so I can stop thinking about the eighty-something games of epicmafia I just screwed up in
deletedalmost 8 years
yall need to remake this with an updated poll
deletedalmost 8 years
is hoc out
almost 8 years
Technically not on Netflix (yet) but Twin Peaks season 3 is incredible thus far
deletedalmost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
It's better than the last one and the last one was real good
deletedalmost 8 years
Norm MacDonald's stand up special is real good
almost 8 years
I just started watching The 100.
Loving it so far, I think I've binged 4 episodes last night.
deletedalmost 8 years
terrace house
almost 8 years
I just want more daredevil
almost 8 years
I started watching Iron Fist, its so good, slow at times but really good, the only reason it got panned is that there is no black lead
almost 8 years
Iron Fist is far better than criticism makes it out to be.
about 8 years

Enamored says

3% was a really good watch

Yo is it really? I just started it, looks promising from the pilot.
deletedabout 8 years

freshman says

degrassi next class

about 8 years
NEW JESSICA JONES SHOULD BE COMING SOON, or so i hear at least. i finished the OA, it was .. meh. I enjoyed the episodes but not all of it. anyway, luke cage was good too
about 8 years
I can't properly get into 3% when it's not in English.