mist says i like achievement hunting. it makes me feel productive even when im slacking off. http://imgur.com/a/wdrbx deleted about 8 years
You're not my boy, nerd.
That post gave me many laughs. Thanks friend.
deleted about 8 years
that nerd is no boy of mine.
deleted about 8 years
actually wait i remember it did when i briefly played on my brother's account during WotLK. I wore the hell outta that Explorer's Tabard.
deleted about 8 years
World of Warcraft has ACHIEVEMENTS now????
You can be like your boy Asmongold.
Nat, if you're willing to put your effort into achievements, maybe you should give Warcraft a go. It will send your OCD into overdrive.
I don't know why, but this song immediately came to mind when I saw your hours played.
deleted about 8 years
I'm on a quest to get my Average Game Completion Rate as high as I can. currently it's at a measly 44%.
Take the time. Do it right.
A tribute to Natalie, brave explorer of the new world.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jJQQ_yEIf8 I admire your efforts, Natalie, brave explorer of the new world.
age of empires masterrace
deleted about 8 years
286 is a sentimental number for me. #resurrectthecomputerstoneage
That is all very well and good, but IF MEMORY SERVES TRUE, my friend, then aren't some of those achievements absolutely deplorable when it comes to time investment?
deleted about 8 years
i like achievement hunting. it makes me feel productive even when im slacking off.
deleted about 8 years
alright NOW im ready for Civ VI
deleted over 8 years
ScubaSteve says mist says 1 more =( I'm pretty amazed you went through all the dumb little scenarios, honestly. dumb!? they're freaking rad dude.