Basically me and Blister will say our opinions of you and past the vocaroo here. Since Blister is currently banned (bless his soul) I will paste his vocaroos for him :)
Thank you for the fan mail yesterday, I truthfully like and appreciate when people pm me hurtful things like in your PM. It shows me how much I've gotten under your skin. God-willing you will serve your entire 6 month ban from main lobby without bypassing, and will rejoin us as a rule abiding member of the epicmafiadotcom community.
I would like an overly critical and harsh opinion from blister so I can hear him rage
deletedabout 9 years
Bypassing Suspensions Using an alt or creating a new account to bypass a suspension of any kind. Helping someone bypass by posting for them on the forums can also lead to this violation.
Actually your not allowed to post for banned users
deletedabout 9 years
Bypassing Suspensions Using an alt or creating a new account to bypass a suspension of any kind. Helping someone bypass by posting for them on the forums can also lead to this violation.
Bypassing Suspensions Using an alt or creating a new account to bypass a suspension of any kind. Helping someone bypass by posting for them on the forums can also lead to this violation.