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Let Epididymis back into sandbox

about 9 years

Please. He is a Serbian that is in need of Sandbox's care!

Please sign this petition to get him back into caring hands.

Let Epididymis back into the sandbox lobby.
9 signed
He deserves it.
about 9 years
I only signed this because he is bad for Main Lobby.. please tak him back ASAP
about 9 years
oh, i hate halfies. they're half victim half perpetrator

the slave and the slave master

half oppressor and oppressed
deletedabout 9 years
It looks like the white gene of being oppressive has finally caught up
deletedabout 9 years
He's mixed. He's not even black
about 9 years
seems like a lot of people are being victimized by sandbox owner Kenny

i bet he's black
deletedabout 9 years
As someone that is whiter than a vampire, and a woman. I would be killed, , or stoned if I were not escorted.
deletedabout 9 years
Kenny just told me to "travel more often"
deletedabout 9 years
I was banned for saying Africa was uncivilized.
about 9 years
why did he ban you lily

Kenny sent a message to Epididymis 2d 5m ago
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i unbanned you, but then i saw that you were harassing others. so ill be taking that back. thanks.
deletedabout 9 years
Can I be unbanned
deletedabout 9 years
free the trolls
about 9 years
this isn't a troll thread, it is a very serious matter my friend.
about 9 years
you two should try doing something other than badly trolling these forums, friends
about 9 years