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about 9 years

/AMA if u want

i kinda wanted to do this again because its been like a year

how old is sonrio?
about 9 years

harodihg says

tell me how udkcing cool i am

H A R O D I H G hi youre actually pretty udkcing cool because youre apparently new and already rad to be talking like ur just another member on the forums...unless ur a secret alt

ive got my eye on you, harodihg, aka rednose aka abc aka weareking aka uh
what other banned users are there anyway
deletedabout 9 years
tell me how udkcing cool i am
about 9 years
taking out the trash
deletedabout 9 years

mist says

pls ur like 70

makes you 72
about 9 years

Sonrio says

sl0nderman says

who are you

im actually (hardly) relevant so what are you trying to prove here? gain upvotes for ur obligatory edge post? lol!!

(i actually dont know u either so...:/)

lmao it was a legit question like who are you why would people want ur opinions but if you want to take it so personally go ahead
deletedabout 9 years
pls ur like 70
deletedabout 9 years

Sonrio says

u r japter yes?


Sonrio says

super old

woah im not that old

Sonrio says

we should talk more

for sure
about 9 years

dia says

ME !!!!!!

who let u into my thread?

remember when we used to troll comp games? fun times. or how i trolled You? lol i still do fker

i love you lol youre like one of the most random people i know and love it. we can always begin our convos by shouting insults at each other then go back to being best buds, then again to insulting each other. not to mention how ur exes seem to always to come to me, hmm, i wonder why,,,,,,,

anyway, please keep being you. never change. motherFUUFN
about 9 years

sl0nderman says

who are you

im actually (hardly) relevant so what are you trying to prove here? gain upvotes for ur obligatory edge post? lol!!

(i actually dont know u either so...:/)
about 9 years

twist says


u r japter yes? bc someone else was twist before and i dont think it was u..?

anyway youre a pretty a nice guy from what ive heard and youre also super old :) we should talk more, nat says youre pretty swell and we'll get along
about 9 years
ME !!!!!!
about 9 years
who are you
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years

xela says

im gay

Unfortunately i really dont talk with you and aside from the things ive seen from you on the forums and in sandbox the only things i have to say is that youre pretty funny but sometimes do too much in some cases. i love talking with everyone in a&v games tho, when blister gets unbanned lets do it again
about 9 years

voluntaryloser says

you are the future

hi ian!!! if im not mistaken u were jesus right? thats how i remember because i helped u out once with an anime avi and it turned out perf :)

anyway i think the best memory ive had with you is just playing mafia with you. youre actually a really good player (spectacular town, if i can say that) and i enjoy playing with you in every game because u can read me better than others :)

though u didnt need to really leave and come back on this account. youre a sweet guy and i dont think of you as the type to leave on a soul searching journey caused by the shenanigans of em travesties. but who knows maybe something happened. we should talk more, xoxo yada yada see u around
about 9 years
im gay
about 9 years
alright nat u asked for it

When did we even meet? I think it was during that round when you ran for the first time with the whole Chinatsu fiasco. Or was it later? I'm not sure, I kinda feel bad not remembering.

Anyway, Nat you are literally one of the only people on here I consider a true friend. You're one of the only people to actually talk with me like a real person instead of acting all high and mighty because I'm a teenager, and it sometimes gets old (though u scare me when ur drunk sometimes so maybe I deserve it lol)

I really do love talking to you about profile aesthetics or ways to take down the forum, or even just going back to playing regular old mafia. Heck we even talk about normal things sometimes which is great because I don't usually do that with people from here. When you disappeared for a lil a few weeks back I nearly cried because I didnt want you to go. You are the most kindest person I've met and actually pretty smart with all the chaos you've done to the forums.

This turned into a ramble without actually saying anything but you've really influenced me a lot and I love it. I hope we never fade because I'd probably not be the person I am today without your help. Thank you so much nat

Yuck this turned into gushing
deletedabout 9 years
you are the future
deletedabout 9 years
i would love an opinion, sonrio.
about 9 years

mist says

why is 5 not on the poll

i figured 12 would be the meme response (do u want an opinion bc u didnt specify and well u know how i feel)
deletedabout 9 years
why is 5 not on the poll