Copy and paste the list from the person above and edit it.
Subtract 2 from a mod/admin and add +1 to another.
You may post once every 4 hours.
Don't add new people.
admin - 20
jeffreyarron - 20
Togepi - 20
Lycii - 20
haze - 20
Devante- 20
The - 20
Solace - 20
Annajane - 20
Tucker - 20
Gerry - 20
Lucid whilst coding another minigame for the site was arrested and given the death sentence for the remarkable similarities with other popular games like battleships and risk.
she* also you have had the most votes so it only makes sense. that's kind of how you get the person you want to win. i only negged togepi until she died if it makes you feel any better. if not, cry about it?