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Good, bad, ugly

deletedabout 9 years

Post here and I will give a good, bad, and ugly about you

I'll be completely honest*

*Barring hurting any internet feelings or getting mods to delete my thread

about 9 years

i did only join when i was 15 years old, and really never played internet games before other than flash game sites/neopets, probably why i was nicer
deletedabout 9 years

kittie says

U suck

Good: Extremely sweet and kindhearted, and someone who tries their best to make everyone smile or have a good time. You also have a outgoing personality which I guess can be a good

Bad: Despite your sweetness and kindheartedness, you sometimes don't really believe in it and you tend to let your own sense of worth get to the better of you in which you feel like you're just being sweet and kind so people like you

Ugly: The fact you believe in the bad, because it's based on nothing and you should have more respect for yourself and not feel like you have to keep up any appearance in the first place
deletedabout 9 years
i just want to know what your AOTY is
deletedabout 9 years

harodihg says

you skipped me you dumb weeb

Good: Your posts, sometimes I feel you have a hit and miss vibe about you where you're either on point or barely even hitting the target; your sense of internet weirdness is not too pretentious enough to make me hate it

Bad: Your posts, sometimes

Ugly: Your name, which makes no sense
deletedabout 9 years
you skipped me you dumb weeb
deletedabout 9 years

Giga says


Good: Self-righteousness and someone I believe would fight for what they believe in

Bad: I think you try a bit too hard to get the approval of others and brush it off as like you don't care, which sort of makes it worse for you; you also might fight for what you believe in but sometimes it's not right and you fall flat on your face

Ugly: I feel as if you were lot more nicer and even a bit more sincere back in the day, and you've sort of hid that side of you due to a couple of internet forum bullies, which is ugly
about 9 years
ill take it though since that means theres no ugly side of me
about 9 years
about 9 years
hi retti!!
deletedabout 9 years

Sims says

ok "Stragger"

Good: Sense of humor and humility even if not always shown. I always think that you're realistic and someone who has their bearings for the most part

Bad: Maybe a bit fickle when it comes to decisions or someone who might even overreact at times

lil Ugly mayne: I like him too, good stuff
about 9 years
hey sure
deletedabout 9 years
U suck
about 9 years
deletedabout 9 years

soul says

bae me?

Sonrio? Assuming sonrio

Good: Unassuming nice internet teenager who hasn't seen the bad of the world or is usually so upbeat to ignore it. Very friendly/approachable

Bad: Not knowing the bad and probably going to be hit hard when such bad comes around and unsure how to deal with it

Ugly: Calling me bae like it's 2014
deletedabout 9 years
ruin me
deletedabout 9 years

Blister says

oh yah hit me

Good: You found a good niche in the community and I believe you've prospered and climbed up the epicmafia social ladder

Bad: You seem rather conflicted about climbing up this ladder and sometimes think about climbing down because the fame and fortune doesn't seem to matter much to you as much as you thought it would

Ugly: You trifle with the good/bad so often that you go through dramatic shifts in mood or even personality at times trying to decide what to stay true to
about 9 years
ok "Stragger"
deletedabout 9 years

moon says


Good: Leadership skills and someone who I feel is good at vocalizing themselves and getting the attention of others when doing so, you have a personality that gravitates others to you, much like a moon would (lol)

Bad: Sort of the same bads as sachy, it's sort of strange but I see a parallel between you both in terms of how you deal with being upset, though I'd say you're not really someone who is swallowed by her emotions rather you don't really understand them

Ugly: Same thing as sachy, again with that parallel
deletedabout 9 years

peach says

oh yes

Good: You're like a female version of xela in most regards, but I'd say you're much more openly sweet compared to xela who is probably more selective about it

Bad: You can't mask your insecurity and being unsure about yourself as well as xela can, and I think you struggle with finding your place whether it be interpersonally or with others

Ugly: Some of your abstract ideas and posts don't work out and seem abstract for the sake of abstractness; also U
deletedabout 9 years
oh yah hit me
about 9 years
deletedabout 9 years

Sachy says

Seems legit

Good: Very sweet and caring even she doesn't wanna admit it and someone who I feel would look out for me even if we didn't talk for months. I also think you're reasonably mature and that you make logical decisions instead of those always harbored by emotions

Bad: You're extremely tough on yourself and I think that you get a bit swallowed by holding back your emotions and are usually coaxed by drinking or lurking on epicmafia

Ugly: The fact you still come on epicmafia, not because I don't want you to, but because it feels like an escape or something you do out of really bad habit
deletedabout 9 years

xela says


Good: You have an oddball sense of humor and distinct outlook on the world that somehow works for you and I think even behind it all I think you have good morals and you're not just completely a Troll like you promptly named yourself

Bad: I think (though I am not going to just absolutely assume I am right) that you can be a bit insecure and maybe a bit unsure about yourself, though I think you do a decent job of masking it well so I guess this could be categorized as a half-bad

Ugly: Your mom
about 9 years
bae me?
about 9 years
oh yes