I'm not drunk . I also might forget I made this thread
deletedabout 9 years
If I could be anybody, who would you make me be?
deletedabout 9 years
Follow-up to an earlier question; without his nose, Justin Timberlake's career takes an irreparable nosedive (pun intended) and he is ruined. Do you feel guilty or simply blame the shallowness and fickle nature of society for Justin's misfortune?
Do you ever just contemplate the universe and feel, for a moment, this weird disassociative sort of high where you're kind of staring at yourself from outside your body and you doubt your own existence for a fleeting second before snapping back to reality?
deletedabout 9 years
Do you drink to forget old memories or to create new ones?
I have an anime avie so I'm set for sandbox. I'll just milk that fact
deletedabout 9 years
If you could have the nose of any celebrity, real or imagined, whose nose would you steal? Note; you'd actually be taking their nose, not copying it, and that person would be forevermore have a flat nose kind of like Voldemort.
deletedabout 9 years
physically a 10/10? so like
Ihave a rule against datinggirls who could beat me up
is this an admission to being terminally single
deletedabout 9 years
Let's say you're at a bar and somehow you end up with a girl's number and she's like 10/10 both physically and personality-wise. How long do you wait to text her?
since this is obviously theoretical, I would text her immediately and ask her if she wants to see my epicmafia trophies.
She texts back and says she only plays sandbox and doesn't really care about comp. Your next move?
Let's say you're at a bar and somehow you end up with a girl's number and she's like 10/10 both physically and personality-wise. How long do you wait to text her?
since this is obviously theoretical, I would text her immediately and ask her if she wants to see my epicmafia trophies.
Let's say you're at a bar and somehow you end up with a girl's number and she's like 10/10 both physically and personality-wise. How long do you wait to text her?