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Starcraft 2

over 8 years

Oh wait, its too hard for you kids to even play it. lmao

deletedover 8 years
First one is still the best
deletedover 8 years

Bisu vs Effort BW
deletedover 8 years
this game sux
over 8 years
we had like 2 months in high school where people played this, 4 player ffa was the best
deletedover 8 years
Someone post the playguuuu vid thx

Or the boxer scv rush
over 8 years
you shut your mouth

BW is best (spectator) game
over 8 years
i still watch old broadcasts on youtube
its prob the best spectator game
over 8 years
im not upset im just disappointed
over 8 years
nbt dude you seem very upset at george rr martin would u care to elaborate itt
over 8 years
awful game
dead game

you have bad taste if you enjoy this sorry excuse for a gaem
over 8 years

justrec says

too many tryhards following elite building patterns they've studied for years and you just lose immediately

There are too many standard builds that can counter cheese so longs are you scout it or know what to look for in your opponents base. Build order wins outside of skill discrepancy only occur when one side it teching too heavily or too focused on economy. LoTV has done a lot to even the playing field early, it's up to the player to take advantage of it.

After that it's purely skill.
over 8 years

If anyone wants to play you can add me: Zovea
deletedover 8 years
i played a lot of wol then quit right after i hit gm and the expansion came out
over 8 years
I'd crush you @op
over 8 years
rts campaigns are fun, the online is bleh cause too many tryhards following elite building patterns they've studied for years and you just lose immediately
deletedover 8 years
No spoilers for Legacy of the Void, I'm planning to binge that this weekend.
deletedover 8 years
I like the campaign
deletedover 8 years
Rip open my sternum and pull
over 8 years