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Help my Christmas Budget

about 9 years

Hi, KIND PEOPLE OF EPICMAFIA.COM, I'm trying to earn money for my Christmas budget, because i'm a broke college student and want to buy nice gifts for my family.

Please download the app "qriket" and put in the referral code "5BB837." I will earn a dollar and it'll take you like 20 seconds (you won't have to put in your card information or anything like that).

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333333333333

deletedabout 9 years
Yes, that's me
about 9 years
huh weird ok i guess i'll look in2 it
about 9 years
(like not from you, from the app)
it's completely free for u, no info or anything needed
about 9 years
are you forrest @haro

@Satan there's no catch, if you use my referral code it sends a dollar to my paypal lol
about 9 years
what's the catch? how does me downloading an app and using ur referral give u real cash???
deletedabout 9 years
okay, done. did it work?
about 9 years
oh yes i do recognize ur realness
about 9 years
it will tell me if you do it
i'll know if it's REAL
deletedabout 9 years
I'll give in and download the app with your referral if you recognize my realness and tell Satan to stop duckin with the man
about 9 years

harodihg says

ones, fives, tens, twenties

work your way up to them big face hundreds and


ok juicy j
about 9 years
thank you so much!!!
about 9 years
Done. Good luck :3
about 9 years
@harodihg DID U GET IT
deletedabout 9 years
ones, fives, tens, twenties

work your way up to them big face hundreds and

about 9 years
ooh also you can use iphone or ipad (just not that it's an iphone app in the drop down), or maybe android IDK.