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"not reporting new users"

over 8 years

I just wanted to open a bit of discussion about the not reporting new users policy. obviously I agree that if there is a new user who made a simple mistake and didn't know better perhaps reporting them isn't the best way to go about things.

HOWEVER, I think it should be limited to certain violation topics and maybe perhaps less strictly enforced in some occurrences.

Consider this:

The user was cheating in game, he was speaking to someone on Skype who was telling him his cop report. This was obviously cheating but when I confronted him about it, he vehemently denied it (suggesting he knew it was against the rules) and then ended up admitting it to a moderator later. He only got a note for it because he was new and they figured he didn't know any better.

I just don't think that's a reasonable excuse for a rule breaking as severe as this. Like if he claimed another role and was throwing that might just be from bad play and inexperience, but c'mon, this guy cheated, knew he was cheating, and denied cheating to avoid getting punished. I would have gotten a vio if it were me so I don't see the fairness just because he's newer :/

tl;dr - being lenient on new users is good but some mods might be taking it too far. just because someone is new doesn't mean they shouldn't get a vio if they truthfully deserve it.

over 8 years
All these new players will do now is cheat without getting caught.
deletedover 8 years

Calvin says

Solace says

Hi itsmebrian,

knew it

over 8 years
imagine typing all those words in an attempt to get a player, who was clearly new & hasn't played since getting the Note a violation instead.... on Christmas lol
deletedover 8 years

Solace says

Hi itsmebrian,

knew it
over 8 years
yep trolleyz basically hit my point right on the head

I'm not saying give vios to everyone for everything because perhaps they are just naïve/etc but what I am saying is that there should be certain instances where we waive this leniency, ie. trolling and cheating
over 8 years
they're giving a note on good faith that they won't cheat again since they were 'honest' about admitting to cheating. i think its pretty obvious that most people would know what they did was cheating and not allowed

i honestly don't see what the problem is with giving them a 24 hour suspension though (you're giving them a note off good faith they won't cheat again and because you don't want to give them a harsh sentence, however a 24 hour suspension is hardly severe), unless the rules have been updated to be a lobby ban at first vio and this wasn't updated

Using outside methods to communicate with another player in the same game, using multiple accounts in the same game, taking screenshots of your game and showing them to other players to prove your alignment, or repeatedly playing with the intent for another person to win regardless of your own win condition. Pretending to cheat as a reaction test is also considered cheating.
Expires in 12 months
24 hour suspension
Lobby Ban
over 8 years
Hi itsmebrian,

They may have vehemently denied sharing the report at first because they were intimidated by the cheating accusations & the threats to get them banned.

But if they admitted to the report sharing, then it goes to show that they're willing to be honest players - in which case a note would be appropriate.
over 8 years
Dude it was one red heart game that I instantly refunded. How are u still mad lmao