deletedabout 9 years

The world is better off if a Woman is in charge of it!

War, Ra/pe, crime, Fights, Murder, what do they all have in common? Men!

Men are the Downfall of this society. Feminism is what stood between this world and eternal revolution! Woman should be Incharge of the World!

#MenAreEvil #FeminismForever

20 signed
Women are better than Men < 3 (Yas)
deletedalmost 9 years

Cloveox says

ShadoNinjaX says're wrong on all accounts.

Women participate in War.

Some women have ra/ped people before.

Women commit crimes.

Women fight.

Women murder.

Therefore, your argument is invalid.

Just be glad this isn't like it was in the past, where everything was gender segregated.

And can't we just be equals? Like seriously, in our society there's pretty much no talk about gender segregation. It would be much easier to accept our own faults for who we are, regardless of gender, and live our own lives.

oh please these are all lies and nobody is falling for them. women cant ra/pe they dont have a willie

Wrong. If you don't believe me, search it up.
almost 9 years
tfw 20 people rickrolled by clove
almost 9 years
Men rule
deletedalmost 9 years
clove you mixed up your greater than and less than signs
deletedalmost 9 years
This is exactly why I have never supported feminism. It's too far off. You want this to happen? F**k no.
almost 9 years
Just because you think us females are treated inferior to men doesn't mean that we're better. Ever heard of a little something called equality?
almost 9 years
honestly i agree with OP
almost 9 years
This page is just one big hypocritical message, huh? I mean, no I don't think women are any better than men. They are intrinsically equal, because both groups are human. Putting one above the other just furthers the problem. So yes, we need women to be treated in every way as equals.

But as superiors? No.
deletedalmost 9 years
Caitlyn Jenner is the only presidential candidate who can bridge the gender divide and end r.ape once and for all.
deletedalmost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years

Have fun with your ban...




deletedalmost 9 years
its true huns
about 9 years
where is connermachivelli
about 9 years
if women are so good why didnt one of them write "The Prince"
deletedabout 9 years

Slowbro says

this is really obvious bait

about 9 years
if women are so good how come we went to moon first
deletedabout 9 years

ShadoNinjaX says're wrong on all accounts.

Women participate in War.

Some women have ra/ped people before.

Women commit crimes.

Women fight.

Women murder.

Therefore, your argument is invalid.

Just be glad this isn't like it was in the past, where everything was gender segregated.

And can't we just be equals? Like seriously, in our society there's pretty much no talk about gender segregation. It would be much easier to accept our own faults for who we are, regardless of gender, and live our own lives.

oh please these are all lies and nobody is falling for them. women cant ra/pe they dont have a willie
deletedabout 9 years're wrong on all accounts.

Women participate in War.

Some women have ra/ped people before.

Women commit crimes.

Women fight.

Women murder.

Therefore, your argument is invalid.

Just be glad this isn't like it was in the past, where everything was gender segregated.

And can't we just be equals? Like seriously, in our society there's pretty much no talk about gender segregation. It would be much easier to accept our own faults for who we are, regardless of gender, and live our own lives.
deletedabout 9 years
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
Lycii hates girls, what a lamer.
about 9 years
about 9 years
Why can't everyone be equal :cry:
about 9 years
about 9 years
eff men and their sports