deleted about 9 years
Cloveox says @DrakeJr make me a mentor stop with the @'s. this isnt twitter
not incharge of it anymore, just apply in this thread deleted about 9 years
@DrakeJr make me a mentor
deleted about 9 years
@DrakeJr oh wow I look so good in that photo don't I < 3 < 3 < 3
Cloveox says @Drakejr u still havent replied to my mails and do I look like a comedian tbh no you look like this
deleted about 9 years
how dare you all
deleted about 9 years
error says i am the master baiter lol nice :p
deleted about 9 years
i am the master baiter
Terry, so many drink the feminist sjw kool-aid, especially on this site. They are almost like religious people following blindly and covering their ears screaming "I can't hear you! Lalaalala" when they are rebutted, or they ask for the thread to be locked or deleted
MeetTerry says Giga13 says MeetTerry says Giga13 says terry it's alright. i was a bad poster too, i know how you feel right now and btw, assfucker isn't an insult, it's a compliment >was a bad poster >was this would be a good post if it was made by literally anybody else except you you're really goddamn annoying Giga13 says MeetTerry says Giga13 says terry it's alright. i was a bad poster too, i know how you feel right now and btw, assfucker isn't an insult, it's a compliment >was a bad poster >was this would be a good post if it was made by literally anybody else except you you're really goddamn annoying
MeetTerry says Giga13 says terry it's alright. i was a bad poster too, i know how you feel right now and btw, assfucker isn't an insult, it's a compliment >was a bad poster >was this would be a good post if it was made by literally anybody else except you
Edark says MeetTerry says Honestly Giga you need to step the fusk back I can post whatever the fusk I want. People enjoy my threads, so that's why there were more than 2000 visits on them despite a short length of time. who in their right state of mind enjoy the garbage you puke out and call "threads" Dunno m8, seems like a lot of people agree with me that Men > Women and that feminism is cancer
Giga13 says terry it's alright. i was a bad poster too, i know how you feel right now and btw, assfucker isn't an insult, it's a compliment >was a bad poster
MeetTerry says Honestly Giga you need to step the fusk back I can post whatever the fusk I want. People enjoy my threads, so that's why there were more than 2000 visits on them despite a short length of time. who in their right state of mind enjoy the garbage you puke out and call "threads"
MeetTerry says Honestly Giga you need to step the fusk back I can post whatever the fusk I want. People enjoy my threads, so that's why there were more than 2000 visits on them despite a short length of time. no actually it's because you f5 them 1900 times in three hours
terry it's alright. i was a bad poster too, i know how you feel right now and btw, assfucker isn't an insult, it's a compliment
Honestly Giga you need to step the fusk back I can post whatever the fusk I want. People enjoy my threads, so that's why there were more than 2000 visits on them despite a short length of time.
actually i take that back just stop posting and making threads for a while instead, it seems like the threads you're in are the ones that generally suck. deleting your account would be a bit x-treme
MeetTerry says Giga13 says like its getting to the point where i might just stop visiting the forums, that's how bad they are like wow it's like, you could like stop visiting the forums like, wow like, you're so bothered by them yet you like, keep coming back, like tf? delete your account assfucker
Giga13 says like its getting to the point where i might just stop visiting the forums, that's how bad they are I agree
Giga13 says like its getting to the point where i might just stop visiting the forums, that's how bad they are like wow it's like, you could like stop visiting the forums like, wow like, you're so bothered by them yet you like, keep coming back, like tf?
like its getting to the point where i might just stop visiting the forums, that's how bad they are