this isnt a complaint and it is epicmafia related (words we can and can't use ingame)
seeing as though i just got perma banned for using the phrase "mentally challenged" as an insult, can you mods create an official list of words/phrases that are HC?
also mods should not be allowed to self-moderate HC reports anymore because that's stupid. if one mod is offended by something they just auto-HC it when it's not even HC
should mods be allowed to self-moderate HC reports?
deletedabout 9 years
It should be no vio'd if you didn't feel harassed
deletedabout 9 years
how the hell is mentally challenged HC
deletedabout 9 years
I actually never felt harassed by this loser so I don't know why he was given a harassment vio. Either give this HC or no vio it.
Or you guys can try to just be nice. Its not that hard. Oh wait. That's near impossible because people take themselves to seriously and have to insult someone to fill better. Like, peeps NEED to grow up.
deletedabout 9 years
lol what kind of r-etard would fall for that
deletedabout 9 years
if it's not harassment or HC you're basically saying it's a NV and idk how u think sayin stuff like that is a NV